The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announces the success of negotiations with America and the agreement to form a “supreme military committee”
The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announces the success of negotiations with America and the agreement to form a “supreme military committee”
2024-01-25 06:24
Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Thursday, announced the success of the negotiations with America and the agreement to form a “supreme military committee” to formulate a specific and clear timetable that determines the duration of the presence of international coalition advisors in Iraq.
The ministry said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, “In fulfillment of its national obligations and in line with the growing capacity and efficiency of the Iraqi forces, the Iraqi government announces, in agreement with the government of the United States of America, the success of the ongoing negotiation rounds between the two sides, which began in August 2023 and ended with the necessity of launching… The Higher Military Committee (HMC) operates at the working group level to assess the ISIS threat and threat, situational and operational requirements and enhance the capabilities of the Iraqi Security Forces.
She indicated that this agreement came to “formulate a specific and clear timetable that specifies the duration of the presence of the international coalition’s advisors in Iraq, begin the deliberate gradual reduction of its advisors on Iraqi soil, end the military mission of the coalition against ISIS, and move to comprehensive bilateral relations with the coalition countries, politically, economically, culturally and security-wise.” “And military, consistent with the vision of the Iraqi government.”
The ministry continued in its statement: “We particularly mention the strategic framework agreement that regulates comprehensive relations between Iraq and the United States of America and reflects the common desire for cooperation between the two sides in a way that achieves the interests of the two countries, and contributes to strengthening Iraq’s regional and international role, in a manner befitting its historical status and building the best relations with the international community in service.” “For the interests and aspirations of the Iraqi people.”
The Ministry continued by saying: “The two sides express their support for the work of the committee, facilitating its tasks, and refraining from anything that obstructs or delays its work. Maintaining the course of the committee’s work and its success in achieving its mission is a national interest, in addition to contributing to preserving the stability of Iraq and the region. The government calls on not Stopping, faltering, or interrupting the work of this committee, and working to avoid tampering with the stability of Iraq to achieve special goals.”
She pointed out that “Iraq renews its commitment to the safety of the international coalition’s advisors during the negotiation period in all parts of the country, to maintaining stability and preventing escalation. The government also confirms its welcome of this agreement, and considers it part of its loyalty to fulfilling the government program and the pledges it committed to before the people.”
A US State Department spokesman confirmed this morning that Washington and Baghdad were “close” to agreeing to begin the work of the Supreme Military Committee in preparation for transforming the mission of the US-led International Coalition to Defeat ISIS into bilateral relations.
The spokesman told Al-Hurra website: “As we announced in August 2023, we are looking forward to moving forward with (the formation of) the Higher Military Commission (or HMC for short), because it reflects the United States’ deep commitment to regional stability and Iraqi sovereignty.”
The spokesman added, “The United States and Iraq are close to agreeing on the start of the Supreme Military Committee dialogue, which was previously announced in August.”