The Iraqi dinar is stronger than the dollar..!

The Iraqi dinar is stronger than the dollar..!


The Iraqi dinar is stronger than the dollarAqil Jabr Ali Al-Muhammadawi
Talking about the Iraqi dinar is stronger than the dollar. There are several scenarios:

1- It includes a media aspect, enhancing the psychological state of citizens, merchants, businessmen, and government officials in the monetary and economic authority, and a responsible speech to reduce the hysteria of the dollar’s ​​rise in the exchange rate.

2- The other side can prepare for a scenario of devaluing the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar and fixing it in the federal general budget for the year 2023 AD, and repeating the scenario of the former Minister of Finance, but on the contrary towards strengthening the value of the Iraqi dinar and others.

3- The third scenario lies in a package of measures and decisions that the Prime Minister trusts, which contribute to controlling the exchange rate policy and reducing the dollar exchange rate within acceptable limits…

4- We exclude that there is an explanation that lies in the economic lack of awareness of the methodology of the economic exchange relationship between the dinar and the US dollar for objective and professional reasons…