The Guardian: Iraq as we know it no longer exists, “the Confederacy” last possible solutions

The Guardian: Iraq as we know it no longer exists, “the Confederacy” last possible solutions

08/18/2014 (00:01 pm)

The Guardian - Iraq as we know it no longer exists the Confederacy last possible solutionsBaghdad / term-Presse

Saw Iraqi politicians and Western, on Saturday that Iraq may be exposed to the risk of division if it can not Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, to defuse sectarian rivalries and re-unity of the country, and move away from the approach of his predecessor, Nuri al-Maliki, and overcome the culture of the Dawa Party, while counting the first governor of an American for post-Saddam Iraq, that the application of the rule of confederation system is “the best guarantee” for the unity of the country “currently divided,” stressing that Iraq “which we knew no longer exists.”

The Guardian newspaper The Guardian British, in an article published Saturday and seen it (the long-Presse), “The Iraqi politicians and Western analysts believe that Iraq may be exposed to the risk of division because of religious rivalry that has not been able new prime minister-designate, Haider al-Abadi, attract warring parties in the country. ”
The newspaper quoted a senior Iraqi official, wants access to a key ministry within the new government, saying that “what we should do Abadi, otherwise it is not,” he continued, “no one of us is convinced that he will succeed in that task, and if you do not succeed, we are in a dilemma.”
According to The Guardian, the “regional observers believe that at the time it was Abadi regional and international support and broad, it will face a heavy responsibility to convince the Iraqi citizens ability to retrieve what has been raped of land within the boundaries of the Iraqi state.”
It showed the British newspaper, that “under the rule of former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and the authority of the central government, many Iraqis have confidence in the ability of any official, in which the unity of the country and re-two months after the invasion of militants Daash areas west and Hmalleha.”
He said the first American governor of Iraq after the overthrow of the former regime in 2003, retired Gen. Ji Garner, according to the Guardian, “The best thing the United States can be bargained to maintain the unity of Iraq, is the application of a system of government confederation meet the Sunnis and the Kurds and Shiites.”
He Garner, believed that “Iraq is currently divided and should accept that fact,” stressing that “Iraq, which we knew it no longer exists.”
Quotes The Guardian Ali Khaddara, an official American of Iraqi assets served with five ambassadors consecutive to the United States in Baghdad, with the three leaders in the central leadership of the American troops, saying that “Haider al-Abadi, a member of the old Islamic Dawa Party, Shiite, is a practical person enjoys pragmatic qualities rarely found in Iraqi public life. ”
He Khaddara, that “al-Abadi as long as it raises the admiration and the rest of American diplomats adult, during meetings with him, over the last ten years, through humorous influential owned, as well as his humility and willingness to listen to others,” noting that “Abadi has the ability to combine characteristics required careful around to help in the treatment of deep wounds to the Iraqis that resulted from the eras under Saddam and al-Maliki. ”
Khaddara saw, according to the Guardian, that “Abadi faces a challenge almost impossible in the ability to overcome the culture of the Dawa Party, the inherent secretive, and sectarian-leaning Iranian.”
She Guardian, however, “the reaction of early inauguration has encouraged his supporters, as it disclosed a group of Sunni tribes, Friday (the 15th of August 2014 now), that it was ready to join the government-Abadi, if what has to meet their demands Balnho right”, usually it is a “declaration is seen as an attempt to gain the satisfaction of them new leader and move possible to rearrange the relations with the Shiite component.”
The newspaper continued, that the Sadrist movement, led by Moqtada al-Sadr, “expressed his optimism led Abadi new.”
The Guardian quoted, for the leadership of the mainstream, Salah al-Obeidi, was quoted as saying, “We are optimistic more since it took over responsibility Abadi, and I think there is an opportunity for change in Iraq.”
Meanwhile, a political analyst Aasan Shammari, in an interview with the Guardian, said that “what we want from Abadi that only alters the method pursued by al-Maliki does not follow in his footsteps,” noting that “the Iraqis are optimistic Balebadi but they are concerned that the new government may use the same method to allocate ministries, according to the partisan and sectarian quotas, and if that happens again, then we will lose another glimmer of hope for a change towards a better Iraq. ”
The provincial officials and Iraqis, according to the Guardian, has “encouraged Abadi to start airing the spirit of the new national army, who lost his morale, and the reform of state institutions that have been affected by corruption and control of the political blocs them through the past ten years, where many of them are not effective at all.”
And confirmed the British newspaper, that “Abadi also plans to revive relations with the Sunni states neighboring Arab, including Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, which boycotted the Maliki government for nearly seven years, accusing him of being a man sexy Crisis, where Maliki accused Riyadh contrast funded extremism in Iraq.”
And was assigned Abadi very welcome local, regional and international scale, as welcomed by the majority of the Iraqi force, as it had done the American administration and the United Nations, the European Union, as well as Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Arab League and Turkey.