The feasibility of the new denominations
The feasibility of the new denominations
06/21/2015 0:00
Author: Yasser incumbent
Iraqi Central Bank plans to issue a monetary categories Jdedeh between 50 thousand and 100 000 dinars, this decision came against the backdrop of the need for such groups to enhance the role of the national currency and the equivalent of $ 100 in terms of possession currencies and carry on the current level and worth in terms of value on the strategic level with the attainment decision to delete the three zeroes in the future.
This syndrome is highly controversial among circles of experts on the one hand and between the pioneers and customer cash and commercial market on the other hand, and interpretations concern to everyone and to feel from not being able to go into such an experience.
But the Iraqi Central Bank left the door open for discussion sufficient area of time to discuss the extent of the ability to implement this resolution and its economic feasibility selected early next year in 2016 to implement a proactive step to reducing interpretations leading to thwart or infanticide project before his birth.
Well done the central bank announcing full transparency and Ptoukitat enough to enrich the decision and saturation of his birth natural birth and not a C-section, as in some of the decisions that have faced failure.
However, this length of time allocated by the central bank before the implementation of the resolution should not pass without the intensification of the ongoing discussion with stakeholders, experts and concerned with the market, inter businessmen, traders and bankers because they were doing to implement it and Evaluative.
Therefore, the central bank is invited to organize seminars and discussion in cooperation with the Iraqi private banks and organizations, the Association of economic affairs to enrich this important decision and saturated debate until near the implementation of the shows are easy to implement. The success of monetary policy is based on studies and analysis of phenomena and economic variables is also based on the experiences have preceded us in the field of deletion of zeros and the issuance of currency taking into consideration the circumstances in the country, but I miss Pal Central Bank these observations but the reminder in the midst of work and economic variables pressure.
We find in this space provided by the Central Bank appropriate to view and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the decision an opportunity and then correct the error that appeared This the virtues of clear discussion of the contents of the decisions. The decision to issue categories of paper currency and new this scale reflects the extent of the insistence of the central bank to achieve monetary stability and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar as in other procedures to maintain the stability of exchange rates, but this needs to be accompanied by measures to achieve the goal, including control of all means of exchange rates available. This Mapdi work actually done.