The disclosure of 5 types of support that Al-Kazemi obtained during his recent visit to Washington

The disclosure of 5 types of support that Al-Kazemi obtained during his recent visit to Washington

08/24/2020 16:57

The disclosure of 5 types of support that Al-Kazemi obtained during his recent visit to WashingtonBaghdad today follow-up

The head of the Victory Parliamentary Bloc, Adnan Al-Zarfi, revealed, on Monday, August 24, 2020, 5 types of support that the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazimi, obtained during his recent visit to Washington, while those who objected to this support called for resorting to political methods.

Al-Zorfi said in a televised statement that (Baghdad Today) that “Trump expressed his harmony with Mustafa Al-Kazemi and he can deal with him, and this matter should be exploited because it is a recognition of the role of Iraq now and in the future.”

He added, “The United States provided 5 types of support to Al-Kazemi during his visit to Washington, the first is a political supporter of his government’s reform steps, the second is security, and his goal is to continue the war on ISIS and provide intelligence information to the Iraqi forces, and the third is economic through the contracts signed in energy and investment, The fourth was regarding support for withdrawal in 3 years. ”

Al-Zorfi stated that “the American Export Bank opened the door for Iraq to borrow to finance energy, electricity and agricultural projects, and this is a fifth support, and there is an agreement to finance it with $ 5 billion,” indicating that “this matter was signed by the Iraqi Minister of Electricity with the Stellar Company in Washington during a visit Al-Kazemi last. ”

With regard to the issue of the US withdrawal from Iraq, Al-Zorfi said, “There are two views, the first partisan that wants to accelerate the withdrawal, and patriotism that it is in the interest of the international coalition to remain in the presence of a need because of the threat of terrorism.”

Al-Zorfi demanded that “those who object to the American support reject it by political means.”

Al-Zorfi said that it is not correct for Al-Kazemi to enter a confrontation with the factions because of the US withdrawal file. Rather, there must be a national dialogue in this regard, pointing out that “it is in Iraq’s interest to have strong relations with America, in order to protect its economy and its borders.”

Regarding the parliament’s decision to withdraw foreign forces from Iraq, Al-Zarfi stressed that “the government is not bound by it, because it is a decision and not a law that requires the government to abide by it.”

He pointed out that “the recent visit must be supported and supported by the results of it, and not to question it because it is in the interest of Iraq,” noting that “the current government needs support in order to complete its pledges to hold early elections and improve the economy.”

The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, returned to Baghdad on Saturday (August 22, 2020) after concluding his visit to Washington.

Al-Kazemi met during his visit to Washington a large number of US officials, including US President Donald Trump, and received a phone call from the Republican leader in the US Senate.

Last Thursday, Baghdad published the joint statement to meet US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, in Washington, DC.

The closing statement issued by the White House stated that “the strategic partnership between the United States and Iraq is based on a common desire for security and prosperity.”

The statement added, “The international coalition led by the United States to defeat ISIS and the Iraqi security forces together destroyed the physical caliphate of ISIS and we continue to work in close coordination to ensure that ISIS is unable to pose a threat to Iraq and every other country.”

And the statement continued, “We reaffirm our commitment to long-term security cooperation to build the military capacity of Iraq and address threats to our common interests.”

He continued, “Our security cooperation strengthens the basis of our efforts to expand economic, humanitarian, political and cultural cooperation.”

He pointed out that “the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic also confirms the importance of working together to build a prosperous and stable Iraq that provides jobs and services to the Iraqi people and acts as a stabilizing force in the Middle East.”

Before that, the US President, Donald Trump, said that the Iraqi security forces had performed an important performance in the face of ISIS, while he confirmed the United States’ support for Iraq so that it was ready to defend itself, as he put it.

Trump said, during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, that “Baghdad and Erbil have achieved good cooperation in the war against ISIS, and we supported that.”

He added, “The Iraqi forces have performed an important performance in the face of ISIS, and we will support Iraq to be ready to defend itself, and we look forward to the day when the need for the survival of our forces ends.”

And the US President added, “Iraq is an independent country and it has a good government that is able to resolve important files, and it is not appropriate for us to stay there for long,” noting that America has “the most powerful army in the world and are able to deter any attacks in Iraq anywhere.”

He referred to the participation of the United States in “many oil exploration projects in Iraq.”