The “Coordination Framework” is awaiting an order to enter into serious negotiations with the Sadrists over the formation of the government

The “Coordination Framework” is awaiting an order to enter into serious negotiations with the Sadrists over the formation of the government

2021-10-29 06:04

The Coordination Framework is awaiting an order to enter into serious negotiations with the Sadrists over the formation of the governmentShafaq News/ The committee formed by the (Shiite) coordination framework is awaiting the announcement of the final results of the elections to start serious negotiations with the Sadrist movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr on the scenario of forming the next federal government.

A special source from the coordination framework told Shafaq News Agency, “The delegation or the committee identified by the leaders of the coordination framework to discuss with the Sadr Committee concerned with negotiating with all political blocs and alliances, determined its negotiating program to ensure the discussion of all the files presented, starting with the restoration of the Shiite house through the formation of the government and resolving disputes leading to the selection of a prime minister.

The source added, “The committee concerned with negotiating with its Sadrist counterpart will hold its meetings as soon as the final results of the elections are announced,” adding that “until now, we have not received any signals or messages showing al-Sadr’s position, whether by refusal or acceptance of negotiation.”

The source expected that “Al-Sadr will raise the ceiling of his demands or conditions in return for restoring the Shiite house to its previous era. Some of the coordinating framework forces may be forced to join Al-Sadr according to political interests and electoral gains that those forces are looking for, and perhaps all of them will accept Sadr’s controls or conditions in exchange for preserving their gains and not breaking the Shiite contract.” Far from the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki.”

Concerning the identity of the next prime minister, the source said, “It is not possible to speculate on his identity as long as political interests revolve in an unclear whirlpool, unless the final alliances of all political components, including the Kurdish and Sunni, are resolved. distance”.

Previous information had talked about the formation of a delegation representing the coordination framework to meet with the negotiating committee of the Sadrist movement headed by Hassan Al-Adhari.

The information indicates that “the delegation’s meeting with the committee will take place during the next week to calm the situation and resolve the issue of forming a government.”

According to that information, “the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, or his representative, will not be in the delegation participating in the meeting with the Sadr Committee, given that the Sadrists refuse to dialogue with al-Maliki or their representatives, whether about the current situation or forming the next government.”

It is noteworthy that the coordinating framework includes: the Al-Fateh Alliance led by Hadi al-Amiri, the State of Law coalition headed by Nuri al-Maliki, and the State Forces Alliance consisting of Ammar al-Hakim and Haider al-Abadi, as well as other Shiite forces that lost in the elections.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced in mid-October his special committee to negotiate with political parties that would establish parliamentary alliances in preparation for the formation of the new federal government in Iraq.

The committee is composed of: Hassan Al-Adhari as its chairman, Nassar Al-Rubaie as first vice-chairman, Nabil Al-Tarifi as second deputy, and Hakim Al-Zamili as supporting the committee, according to a statement issued by Al-Sadr and signed by him.

The results of the recent legislative elections in Iraq showed that the Sadrist movement had won a landslide victory with more than 70 parliamentary seats, which qualifies it to obtain the position of Prime Minister and form the next federal government.

The Sunnis hold the presidency of the Iraqi parliament according to a political custom followed since the overthrow of the former Iraqi regime in 2003, while the Kurds hold the presidency, and the Shiites the prime minister.

The preacher of the Kufa mosque, Muhannad al-Moussawi, said earlier today that the goal of appointing a prime minister from the Sadrist movement to the next federal government is to achieve the reform project adopted by the movement’s leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

Al-Moussawi said in the Friday prayer sermon, which was held in the Kufa Mosque, that “today we are called more than before to translate the real and systematic affiliation to deliver a practical message to all in which reassurance, love and tolerance for the advancement of reality and the country.”

He added, “We are officially adopting the reform project that Al-Sadr worked on, and the Sadrist prime ministership, to translate to others the value of the approach to which we belong, with its values, ideals, and a real project for reform.”