The absence of al-Maliki … Meeting of the “National Alliance” yesterday agreed to resolve controversial issues

The absence of al-Maliki … Meeting of the “National Alliance” yesterday agreed to resolve controversial issues in parliament

Posted 21/06/2012 07:38 AM

BAGHDAD – “squares of liberation”
Agreed “National Alliance” at its meeting yesterday, the absence of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, to resolve the many controversial issues with other blocs through Parliament.

Revealed a press release today about the meeting of the political body of the National Alliance yesterday under the chairmanship of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, to “speed up the resumption of the meetings of the House of Representatives and to engage in the new legislative term will seriously by all the political groups to make decisions and legislation of laws strategy that contribute to building the institutions of the state and serve the interests of citizens and increase their burden of suffering. ”
He explained that it was “those laws and resolutions to form the Electoral Commission for elections and election laws, political parties and the oil and gas and the criminalization of the Baath and the national security laws and anti-terrorism and amend the investment law as well as the laws of the infrastructure, social security and naming ministers of security and approval of the appointment of deputy ministers, advisers and team leaders the army and aide to Army Chief of Staff “.
It is known that al-Maliki over the parliament remained throughout his presidency, past and present government issued orders to the appointment of military commanders and security without reference to the approval of Parliament, Ministers also kept the issue of security, including making it an open and de facto minister of interior and defense as well as his intelligence.
Source: altahreernews