Sudanese Advisor: Cash transactions will witness a gradual closure and the transition will be electronic – urgent

Sudanese Advisor: Cash transactions will witness a gradual closure and the transition will be electronic – urgent


Sudanese Advisor - Cash transactions will witness a gradual closure and the transition will be electronic - urgentThe financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Sunday, that the government’s strategy encouraged citizens to enter the digital payments climate, while indicating that cash use will witness a gradual closure in the interest of digital financial inclusion, starting next year, 2025.

Saleh said, in a statement to the official agency and its follow-up (Al-Rabaa): “The customs and traditions that remained prevalent in the practice of cash request behavior according to primitive cash methods in settling financial and commercial transactions, are not consistent today with the developments of the modern digital institutional society in our country, especially the change in the settlement of financial transactions.” And gradually abandoning the use of direct cash payment methods in favor of digital payments.”

He added, “The behaviors of payment, delivery, settlement of financial rights, and settlement of transactions began to be reflected in the cash demand function, which began to change behaviorally in the interest of dealing with a modern pattern imposed by digital payments in the country.”…