Specialists emphasize the need for Iraq to join the World Trade Organization and businessmen: will not join even after fifty years if laws do not change

Specialists emphasize the need for Iraq to join the World Trade Organization and businessmen: will not join even after fifty years if laws do not change



Confirmed the deal with matters relating trade in the province of Diwaniyah on Monday, “Iraq’s need” to join the World Trade Organization, while confirmed by the Ministry of Commerce said joining the organization “will move the Iraqi economy,” “ruled out” businessmen the possibility of it on the ground until “after fifty years, “and attributed the cause to” the absence of legislation “in a position to put Iraq into the international system, demanding the cancellation of” the Ministry of Commerce. “

The official said the information in the Department of the World Trade Organization, Ministry of Commerce Luna Fred Jacob said in an interview to (range Press), on the sidelines of Awareness Seminar held by the Chamber of Commerce of Diwaniya, “The steps to join the World Trade Organization, to take a way a careful and thoughtful, started sending the initial file display goods to the organization, “and showed that” We are working to engage in a third round of bargaining after receiving several observations about the previous two rounds and the supply of goods to reach the possibility of residence. “

She said Jacob that “the Department of the World Trade Organization in the Department of Foreign Economic Relations Ministry of Commerce of Iraq, is expected through these steps not to Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization soon,” afterthought “but seeks to complete the steps in a measured way,” and stressed that “accession will help Iraq largely through appropriate legislation and laws in line with international laws and legislations. “

For his part, the head of the Chamber of Commerce of Diwaniyah Mahmoud Laithi in an interview to (range Press), said that “several seminars and workshops held by the Ministry of Commerce in cooperation with the chambers of commerce in the provinces, seeking to discuss the possibility of Iraq’s entry into the WTO, for the advancement of the national economy.”

He added that “the Iraqi legislature from which to develop appropriate laws that are consistent with international legislation,” and explained that “Iraq’s accession will help in improving the economic level and increase employment and the possibility of competition Iraqi industries to global products.”

As head of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen in Diwaniyah, (180 km) south of Baghdad, cream phone in an interview to (range Press) that “Iraq will reap significant benefits in the event of joining the World Trade Organization for global,” and added, “But I’m sure that this will not happen before fifty years. “

He pointed out that “Iraq is stalled in legislation and implementation, the organization represents one of the largest portals in the economic world, we are not open to ourselves, we do not have any intellectual base or the economic system or a bank or industrial success.”

Abizaid as saying that “Iraq did not keep his place economic but Pat decline quickly,” pointing out that “This makes joining impossible, and we need to think reducing the administrative structure late.”

Phone stressed “the need to get rid of the first Department of Commerce,” noting that it “the biggest obstacles in the face of the Iraqi trade, having tended to impose a buy trade from the central market known بعراقة the corruption and incursion.”

He pointed out that “This is one of the faces of the war on the private sector,” he said, adding that “We today rings connected state of lying and we can not keep up with the world and join in commercial organizations in the light of this matter.”

In turn, the aide said chief investment Diwaniyah Hassan al-Yasiri in an interview to (range Press), “The accession to the WTO has become is a must for opening up to global markets,” adding, “but that this is facing several challenges, including the invasion of foreign goods imitations , in addition to widespread unemployment, as well as the destruction of the local product not protect. “

He Yasiri that “the State has work to protect the products of local industries and the legislation of laws deterrent that ensures protection, operating and developing talent at all levels,” adding that “Iraq does not have a choice but to catch up with the economically developed countries, and to benefit from their experiences in the development of its economy.”

The World Trade Organization announced its inception in 1995, and is one of the youngest international organizations, where the WTO is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was established in the wake of World War II. And despite the fact that the WTO is still the modern multilateral trading system, which was originally set up under GATT has reached the fifty-year-old, and celebrated the golden jubilee of the system in Geneva on May 19, 1998 in the presence of many heads of state and government leaders.

The past twenty years have seen a phenomenal growth in world trade, as goods exports rose an average of 6% annually and helped GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO) to establish a system strong and prosperous business, which contributed to the unprecedented growth.

The activists were civilians in the province of Salah al-Din, (position of Tikrit, 170 km north of Baghdad), in (28 March 2013), expressed concern as a result of lack of knowledge of aspects of spending public money in general and that provision is included in the petro-dollars in particular, and criticized the reliance “almost complete “Oil and export instead of investment and the development of other economic sectors.

The Association for the Development and the development of industry and trade in Iraq criticized, on March 19, 2013, no state support for industry and trade sector and open the doors of import wide, causing damage to the product nationally and lost his ability to compete, while believing that the scarcity of electricity, fuel, and not keep up with the Angels national global developments and the lack of laws appropriate most important factors retreat Iraq industrially and economically, confirmed its quest detection areas ready for industrial investment and help stimulate foreign and Arab companies to invest jointly with Iraqi investors, creating industrial and commercial sources is oil.

It is noteworthy that Iraq has witnessed a year after 2003, a state of openness without restrictions on the world which led to flooding the domestic market with goods from around the world unsanctioned, as well as a decline in domestic production and public sectors as a result of the security chaos and the scarcity of snap and fuel, failed efforts government agencies concerned, so far, including standardization and quality control and the ministries of environment and health in the face of a flood of shoddy goods, despite the efforts made in this regard.
