Sources reveal for “Sky Press” List Abadi new ministerial candidates

Sources reveal for “Sky Press” List Abadi new ministerial candidates

Views: 6468 Published on: 23-04-2016, 12:23

Sources reveal for Sky Press List Abadi new ministerial candidatesBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Mary finest
Informed political sources revealed on Saturday, the determination of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi launch bring up a list of ministerial third, indicating that the names of the candidates received in the previous lists.

The sources said in an interview with “Sky Press,” that “the prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi will largely depend on the new list,” the third “on the list, the second ministerial list with some modifications.

The sources, who preferred anonymity, said that “the new list would not pose replacements for the Ministries of Finance, Culture, Displacement and Migration, headed by ministers in response that,” pointing out that “the three characters mentioned will not be replaced in accordance with the Federal Court’s decision, which confirmed that the failure to ask the Minister alternative means retaining the former. ”

She stressed that “the list of Abadi second included five names of” closed envelope “list, and the list includes the positions of the Ministry of Interior and Defense,” noting that he “was the leader of the Reform Movement and the National Security Advisor Faleh al-Fayad, the Foreign Ministry instead of Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s nomination.”

“The Abadi withdraw from the position of the Ministry of Commerce list to give her a component of Turkmenistan, and nominated her Omid Ahmed Mohamed, as nominated by the Ministry of Construction, which was the share of the Sadrist movement to give her a Christian Ann Balbol wholesome.”

The informed source, revealed earlier, the presence of Baathists and parties close to the technocrats who among the candidates nominated by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to manage the ministries in the forthcoming amendment.

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi him Thursday (03/31/2016) The new line-up to House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, a closed file.

The State of Law coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki accused earlier, prime ministers and parliament Haider Abadi, Salim al exclusivity power, against the backdrop of delivery Abadi list of candidates for the new government to the al-Jubouri in a sealed envelope.

The parliament held its last Thursday in the presence of 171 deputies, out of 328, headed by Adnan al-Janabi, the oldest among the members, and voted on the dismissal of Salim al-Jubouri, from the presidency of the parliament and his two deputies Hamoudi and Aram Sheikh Mohammed, but Jubouri rejected his dismissal, saying that parliament It will resume its sessions as of Saturday under his chairmanship.