Security media: Transporting ballot boxes and memory sticks is our most important responsibility during the elections

Security media: Transporting ballot boxes and memory sticks is our most important responsibility during the elections


Security media - Transporting ballot boxes and memory sticks is our most important responsibility during the electionsInformation / Baghdad..
On Saturday, the Security Media Cell announced a plan to secure and transport ballot boxes and memory sticks.

The head of the Security Media Cell, Major General Tahseen Al-Khafaji, said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency, which “The Information” reviewed, “The security situation until this moment is reassuring, and the security forces are deployed after completing their preparations and capabilities, and they began examining the polling centers and conducted the process of receiving and handing them over to the Independent High Commission.” For the elections.

He added, “The preemptive operations began 5 months ago, and did not end the day before the elections. Rather, they continue even with voting, and this shows the level of high planning and level of preparedness shown by the security forces, which continue to perform their duties to maintain security and the safety of voting.”

He explained that “the most important axes of the security plan are that the atmosphere be safe for voting, while ensuring easy access to polling stations without curfews or cuts between governorates, roads, and even border areas,” noting that “voters outside Iraq can come to cast their votes, and this “It explains the high flexibility in the security plan.”

He pointed out that “the most important process during the public and private elections is transporting the ballot boxes and memory sticks and delivering them to the Commission, because it is obligated to announce the election results after 6 hours,” noting that “there is a plan for transporting the boxes and memory sticks, which depends on the Air Force.” And army aviation, but in the event of bad weather conditions, there will be military convoys and protection responsible for delivering them.”