Sadr announces support for Abbadi for second term

Sadr announces support for Abbadi for second term

2017/11/21 8:46

Sadr announces support for Abbadi for second term[Ayna-Baghdad]
The leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr, on Monday, his support for the candidacy of Prime Minister Haider Abadi for a second term.
“Abadi should give four more years to complete what he started,” Sadr said in a televised interview. “He supports Abadi’s candidacy for a second term, not a third.”
Sadr said that “Abadi soon declare his independence [from partisan work],” noting that “the difference between the previous and current governments as the difference between the earth and the sky.”
On the other hand, Sadr said that he is not referring to the “shameless militias”, saying that “the militias are all similar to the acts of terrorism, even if they are peace bearers.”
Sadr called for “containing the popular crowd in the security services,” stressing that “his sacrifices [popular crowd] should not go astray.”