Presidency: Could not the arrival of Biden’s plane case without meeting with infallible

Presidency: Could not the arrival of Biden’s plane case without meeting with infallible

29/4/2016 11:30

Presidency - Could not the arrival of Bidens plane case without meeting with infallibleAnnounced the Presidency of the Republic, on Thursday, for the conduct of US Vice President Joe Biden telephoned President of the Republic Fuad Masum, when he arrived in the capital Baghdad, noting that the inaccessible Biden plane prevented its scheduled meeting Bmasom.
The presidency said that “the Vice President of the United States Joe Biden held a telephone conversation with the President Fuad Masum, today, in the context of a quick tour of the region,” indicating that “the call was made after inaccessible US vice president’s plane to Baghdad in time for the meeting scheduled between them before and dedicated to discuss developments in the political, security and economic situation in the region and relations between the two countries. ”
The statement quoted infallible as saying during a telephone call, “the Iraqi armed forces succeeded in restoring self-confidence among the citizens and they win the war on the organization Daash terrorist” and praised “the role played by the Peshmerga popular and crowd forces and volunteers of the tribes to help the army and federal police in achieving decisive military victories broke the morale of Daash terrorist gangs and made them final victory soon. ”
The infallible, that “the political situation is moving steadily towards generally complete stability in” noting “continued coordination between the three presidencies in the political process moving toward overcoming the obstacles recently encountered towards more concrete successes guarantor of Iraq’s progress and strengthen its unity.”
For his part, Biden praised the “success of the Iraqis to resolve their differences peacefully and through democratic means,” praising “the efforts of President infallible in order to protect the unity and stability of Iraq and the development of the democratic process,” the statement said.
He renewed Biden “parking the United States by the Iraqi people in its fight against terrorism and for Iraq reconstruction, which represents the key to stability in the region due to the energies and human resources and tremendous potential,” and expressed his hope to “grope for substantial progress in Iraq in various fields.”
He said the tour “mainly seeking to favor support Iraq politically, economically and militarily,” pointing out that “many of the advanced industrial countries are ready to provide assistance to Iraq soon.”
It was Biden on Thursday made an unannounced visit to Iraq before, and met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri.