Poll: Most Europeans support stop immigration from Muslim countries

Poll: Most Europeans support stop immigration from Muslim countries


Poll - Most Europeans support stop immigration from Muslim countriesBritish public opinion poll showed that more than half of the Europeans want to ban immigration from Muslim – majority countries, especially in Poland and Austria as well as Germany and Italy.
According to the survey, conducted by the British Center for Analysis “Chatham House” before the signing of US President Donald Trump on a decree banning entry of nationals of seven Muslim countries to the United States, that 55% of respondents from 10 European countries have expressed support for the cessation of all forms of migration Muslim – majority countries, while 20% said they do not mind the entry of immigrants, declined 25% to identify a clear position in this regard.
He said about 71% of the population of Poland and 65% of Austrians and 53% of Germans and 51% of the Italians, who were polled, they support a ban on Muslim immigration, while supporting 47% of the population of the United Kingdom ban and 41% of Spanish respondents to stop immigration from Muslim countries.
The survey also showed that the largest number of opponents of such a ban living in Spain (32%) and Britain – 23%, while the number of opponents in Poland amounted to only 9%.
British Report Analysis Center on this poll showed that the proportion of supporters of the ban on immigration from Muslim countries than among citizens over the age of 30 years as well as between citizens who have not received higher education.
The report pointed out that the survey results were surprising and showed that discontent over immigration from Muslim countries is not limited to supporters of US President Donald Trump in the United States, but that this phenomenon is actually more prevalent.
