political movement between the parliamentary blocs to agree on legislation the law of oil and gas

Rapporteur of the Commission on oil: a political movement between the parliamentary blocs to agree on legislation the law of oil and gas

Date: 02/17/2013 12:35:43 Sunday

Baghdad (news) .. Announced the decision of the Commission on oil and energy MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Qassim Mohammed Qasim, the presence of positive political dynamics between the parliamentary blocs to agree to pass a draft law of oil and gas legislation in the House of Representatives.
Kassem said (of the Agency news): The international organizations and foreign neutral alone can not convince the parliamentary blocs to pass the draft law of oil and gas when hired, but initiatives must be by Iraqi politicians and within the country.

He added: Despite going through the country currently crises and problems serious internal imposed itself on the political scene and formed a real threat and realistic on the processes of political and economic, but there motionless parliamentary positive going on between the political blocs and with all parties to end the differences and to agree to pass a draft oil law and gas. / end / 8. n. p /
