Pictures .. Iraq being a successful test of a local rocket

Pictures .. Iraq being a successful test of a local rocket

1.31.2017 13:18

Pictures - Iraq being a successful test of a local rocket[Oan- follow] the
general military industries has announced one of the companies and the Ministry of Industry and Minerals for the successful launch of examination is restricted to the Iraqi missile , which was designed and implemented by her experience.
And transfer to a ministry statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, for the company ‘s general director as saying, “This missile is considered the first of the product of accumulated experience that have evolved for the manufacture of an Iraqi missile hundred percent where proven experience success checking engines process a very large margin.”
He pointed out that ” the missile that was launched achieved through experience all elements of design performance , high accuracy , good stability of the performance of the engines , ” noting that “this experience will be a step start to a free flight tests of the missile and determine chucking tables to have the product ready for the production of typical use by the armed forces.”
He explained that “the missile ‘s range between 5 to 15 km, with warheads Manlvh weights are [350 kg and 550 kg, 750 kg and 1050 kg of explosive material.”
” The important features of the missile that could all IEDs planted bombing in the battered region because of concussions and brain storming and destruction of all excavated spending within the target area” and called on ” the armed forces and factions of the popular crowd to support this pilot project and start to contract with his company to take advantage of this product and to provide large sums of hard currency. ”