Parliamentary Finance: We need another week to discuss the budget and we will convert the notes into texts

Parliamentary Finance: We need another week to discuss the budget and we will convert the notes into texts

2021-01-18 05:07

Parliamentary Finance - We need another week to discuss the budget and we will convert the notes into textsShafaq News / The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives announced, on Monday, that it needs another week to discuss the General Budget Law for 2021, confirming that it will convert all notes into texts to amend the law.

Committee member Jamal Cougar told Shafaq News Agency, “The sessions of the Parliamentary Finance Committee to discuss the draft general budget law are continuing and have not ended yet,” stressing that “the committee needs another week to finish the initial discussion of the budget law.”

He added that “the Finance Committee will work in the coming days to study all the observations that were made and convert them into texts to amend the articles and paragraphs of the budget law.”

The House of Representatives, in its thirty-fifth session, which was resumed under the chairmanship of Hassan Al-Kaabi, First Deputy Speaker, ended the day before Saturday, the discussion of the budget bill for 2021.

A statement issued by the Council, received by Shafaq News Agency, stated that the deputies demanded, during their interventions, to distribute revenues fairly between governorates, taking into account the disbursement of petrodollar dues and the benefits of border crossings, allocating and disbursing financial dues to mobilize the Ministry of Defense and doubling the sums allocated to the Reconstruction Fund for Liberated Areas and imposing taxes on materials Imported products that have similar local products in support of it, as well as supporting the Ministry of Education by increasing financial allocations and paying attention to scientific research centers, asking about the reasons for the decrease in support for the ration card items.