Parliamentary finance shows the fact that borrowing Iraq to fill the budget deficit

Parliamentary finance shows the fact that borrowing Iraq to fill the budget deficit

Saturday 29 December 2018 11:30 am

Parliamentary finance shows the fact that borrowing Iraq to fill the budget deficitBAGHDAD / A member of the parliamentary finance committee, Ahmed Hama, said Saturday that the estimate of the price of a barrel at 56 dollars in the budget of 2019 is the one who had to resort to foreign loans, indicating that there was a mistake was preparing the financial budget.

“The budget of 2019 is wrong since the beginning of its preparation, when it adopted the estimated price of a barrel of oil $ 56 and now Iraq sells the barrel for 43 dollars and this caused a deficit of 18 billion dollars in the budget of 2019,” noting that “this deficit led to Lack of expenditures for basic needs of the country. ”

He added that “this shortfall in expenses can not be covered only through loans and thus forced Iraq to foreign loans to meet its own needs,” noting that “Iraq was in previous years borrowing, but did not abide by agreements between countries.”

The member of the House of Representatives Magda Tamimi, said on Saturday, that Iraq will borrow, according to the draft federal budget law for the year 2019, from 21 foreign parties.

“Borrowing in the 2019 budget from 21 third parties without domestic borrowing,” Tamimi said in a tweet through her Twitter account.

She added that “the Ministry of Electricity alone will borrow from 15 parties, indicating that the parties that will borrow from the Ministry of Electricity:” 14 of them external and only one domestic destination, noting that “the budget of 2019 going in the wrong direction.”