Parliamentary Finance indicates the reason for the delay in sending the budget to the House of Representatives

Parliamentary Finance indicates the reason for the delay in sending the budget to the House of Representatives

2024-04-13 00:55

Parliamentary Finance indicates the reason for the delay in sending the budget to the House of RepresentativesShafaq News/ The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Saturday, the reason for the delay in sending the country’s general budget to the Iraqi Parliament, noting that there was a change in its schedules.

Committee member Moeen Al-Kadhimi told Shafaq News Agency that the requirements of ministries and unrelated entities, operational and investment budgets, and the increase in financial allocations for the salaries of employees, retirees, the social protection network, and the ration card all led to changing the budget law schedules and delaying their sending to the House of Representatives.

He added that the general budget for the year 2024 amounted to 228 trillion dinars after increasing operational and investment expenses, pointing out that the expected financial deficit is 80 trillion dinars, after the budget in 2023 amounted to 199 trillion dinars.

He confirmed that the Council of Ministers will vote on the budget schedules after the end of the visit of Council Speaker Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington and his return to Baghdad, with the budget reaching Parliament at the end of this month.

At the end of last February, the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the Ministry of Finance had completed the schedules for preparing the 2024 budget, and said that the Council of Ministers would approve it last March, so that it would be sent to Parliament after that.

Today, Saturday (April 13), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani left for Washington on an official visit at the invitation of President Biden.