Parliament will vote on the law of arms and directs an oral question to the Governor of the Central Bank

Parliament will vote on the law of arms and directs an oral question to the Governor of the Central Bank [Extended]

1.28.2017 16:43

Parliament will vote on the law of arms and directs an oral question to the Governor of the Central Bank[Where – Baghdad]
House of Representatives voted in its regular seventh second legislative term of the legislative year third third parliamentary session , which was held under the chairmanship of Salim al – President of the Council and in the presence of 170 deputies on Saturday, the Arms Act and face a question verbally to the central bank governor.
According to a statement to the House of Representatives received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of which was “in the beginning of the meeting between al – Jubouri , the presence of 12 parliamentary committee temporarily on many important issues , ” adding that the “interim committees include a committee to review the Hajj season and made recommendations to the Council and referred to the Council of Ministers and the Committee concerning the displaced in the provinces headed by Aram Sheikh Mohammed , Vice President of the House of Representatives and the Committee to investigate the reasons the fall of Mosul recommendations have been referred to the prosecution and the Committee to resolve the housing crisis continuing performance of its functions. ”
The president of the Council as “a committee was formed with the code of parliamentary behavior still continues its work and the Committee of Experts for the selection of members of the Human Rights Commission and the Commission to recover the stolen money inside and outside Iraq , headed by Sheikh Hamoudi , First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament is still going on in their work and the Committee to follow the Sunni and Shia endowments examinations referred the recommendations the Council of Ministers as well as the committee of the Kurdistan region ‘ salaries and the investigation Commission bombed Shiite shrine Alejanla transmitted its recommendations to the Council of Ministers and the Committee of experts for the selection of members of the electoral Commission did not initiate tasks and the Committee to investigate reports briefing on corruption charges , officials at the Ministry of oil is still ongoing work. ”
He said al – Jubouri to “the existence of temporary committees has not been voted on in the Council so far include the follow – up committee to amend the constitution and follow – up committee ‘s rules of procedure and the Committee for follow – up and implementation of Article 140 in addition to the Special Committee on the reasons that prevent displaced people from returning to their areas.”
The Council voted on a draft Arms Act and submitted by the committees, defense and legal security because the Weapons Law No. 13 of 1992 no longer keep pace with the current stage because of the large number of amendments made to it, especially Emre Coalition Provisional Authority [ now defunct] numbered [3] on 05.23.2003 and revised [3] on 31-12-2003 & Conditions inaccuracies contained in the translation it is sound and to put the law to accommodate developments that have taken place and set new controls to possess and carry a firearm and rehabilitation of citizens to carry arms, to determine the age of the person authorized possessing or carrying weapons and organizing the devolution of the weapon that the court decided to confiscate it .
The Presidency has decided to postpone the vote on the draft Iraqi National Paralympic Committee and submitted by the committees of Youth and Sports, legal and civil society institutions , and health and environmental law for the disruption of quorum and that is to hold a hearing with the relevant committees to mature the bill.
Meanwhile , the Council hosted Ali Mohsen Ismail , the central bank governor to answer an oral question by MP Hanan al.
President al – Jubouri , welcomed the House of Representatives in the name of the Governor of the Central Bank to attend the meeting to answer the question as a single oral supervisory practices contained in the rules of procedure in order to question about a specific topic.
He inquired MP Hanan al reasons for the decline in central bank reserves and any specific date and where the amounts have been disbursed.
In replying to said central bank governor that “economic policy is made up of fiscal and monetary policy and monetary reserves which is a foreign assets denominated in the foreign currencies excludes including local currencies , up to about 90% and the remaining gold and assets are Negotiable liquefaction reserved at any time.”
He said Ali Mohsen to ” the importance of distinguishing between the Central Bank reserves and the excess reserves in the state treasury, which expressed the sovereign funds which is unrelated to the reserves of the Central Bank as lead functions present or future to cope with crises and bridging fiscal deficits and contributing to investment trends and its source is part of the state treasury, indicating the reserve , which is managed by the central bank can not take from the state treasury and Aaattiyha and function to stabilize the exchange rate in order to curb inflation and maintain prices. ”
He noted the central bank governor said ” the central bank through the Reserve pumped money to prevent the devaluation of the local currency, noting that the reserve consists of state revenues received in dollars of oil by 95% and the remaining local revenues and the Ministry of Finance relies on the Iraqi dinar, stressing that the task of dollar sales so to maintain the value of the Iraqi dinar and the balance in the local economy as the work to float the dinar incorrect status for Iraq and the fact that the central bank only source of dollar selling.
He noted that the height of the financial reserves of the Ministry of Finance to the Central Bank does not represent an achievement and if the decline does not represent a deficit because the case relate to verify the financial and imports, the larger the overhead of the state ‘s biggest of its revenues will affect the central bank ‘s reserves, indicating that the reserves in the Central Bank he was at the end of 2014 , more than $ 66 billion and dropped in 2015 to about $ 53 billion and in 2016 arrived for nearly $ 45 billion and a book value of $ 48 billion. ”
And between Ali Mohsen said ” the central bank resorted to the method of supporting the general budget through the purchase of treasury transfers and collided with the financial situation not great funding in case the central bank refrain from buying treasury transfers, it will lead to significant repercussions on the general situation in Iraq, stressing that the bank contributed to cross the hardest years that have passed during the years 2015 and 2016 especially given that the contribution amounted to 20 trillion dinars , which is Atkhalv law , “adding that” the talks with the international Monetary Fund showed a lack of access problem in the reserve until 2021.
for its part urged the MP Hanan al Governor of the Central Bank on interest ERA foreign currency through an integrated process.
The chairman of the House of Representatives thanks to the deputy Hanan al to its role regulatory and central bank governor to attend to the meeting and submit relevant information.
In another concerning the work of the interim committee called for a number of MPs to activate the role of the committees to solve problems Almaklh it. in
turn, Hamoudi , first Deputy Speaker of Parliament stressed that the Commission recover the stolen money to Ataatalq recovery, but to reconsider the law that put in the era of civil governor , former US to restore the money smuggled by the former regime, noting that “after the meetings with the concerned parties , the prevailing opinion that the law is unable to return the money smuggled , but according to several measures, as well as the agreement to expand the bill to include money smuggled in various periods of time.
And between a member Heloh Presidency of the Council of Representatives that own salaries Kurdistan Regional Committee saw a divergence in views among its members , it was formed a sub – committee in order to treat the case from its basis and Ataatalq budget just been talking with several international bodies and submitted proposals in this regard but did not get a quick result and still Committee continuing its functions to reach solutions to the root of the problem.
For his part, al – Jubouri confirmed the keenness of the House of Representatives to follow up on Maithar Khor Abdullah channel, pointing out that the Council will make a recommendation after reviewing data on the subject and discuss it with the government agency, then decided to adjourn the meeting until the day Monday, 30/01/2017.