Parliament ends the first reading of the election financing law and calls for the formation of a body that oversees government funds {expanded}

Parliament ends the first reading of the election financing law and calls for the formation of a body that oversees government funds {expanded}

12/05/2020 17:41:31

Parliament ends the first reading of the election financing law and calls for the formation of a body that oversees government funds(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The House of Representatives voted in its twenty-fourth session, which was held under the chairmanship of Muhammad al-Halbousi, Speaker of the Council, in the presence of 183 deputies today, Saturday 5/12/2020, on three laws and ends reading And discussion of four bills.
The council’s statement, Al-Furat News received a copy of it, stated that “At the beginning of the session, MP Kata’a al-Rikabi read a statement in which he recalled the heinous crime committed by the defunct Ba’athist regime targeting the sons of the Islamic militant movement (The Fist of Guidance) in which five mujahideen were executed, in the lead of whom was the martyr Aref al-Basri. , noting to continue thinking and through the movement and stressing their rejection of any attempt to normalize relations with the Zionist entity and continue to face the global arrogance , stressing the move to achieve the goals the major Islamic.
then read the council members Al – Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs of Iraq and the lives of ladies and gentlemen deputies, Ghaida Kmbh and Hussein Zuhairi and Ali slave who They passed away after being infected with the Corona virus,
and the Council voted to reject the refugee bill, and return it to the government at the request of the relevant committee.
The Council also voted on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on Limits of Liability for Maritime Claims of 1976 in its form amended by the 1996 Protocol, including the amended liability limits submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee to specify the limits of the shipowners’ liability for requirements related to ship salvage operations, deaths or injuries Physical loss or property loss or damage and placing it within its international legal framework.
The Council ended the vote on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the 2005 Protocol amending the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988 and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations, Security, Defense, Agriculture, Water and the Marshlands to take measures to prevent and suppress all kinds of illegal acts and their suppression directed against the safety of navigation And the creation of a safe navigation atmosphere.
In the same context, the Council completed the vote on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damages of 1992 submitted by the Foreign Relations, Health and Environment Committees, to establish the principle of full responsibility for shipowners and to create a compulsory insurance system that authorizes the shipowner to limit his liability by an amount Linked to the ship’s cargo.
The parliament completed the first reading of the draft law on financing the election expenses of the House of Representatives submitted by the Finance Committee due to the imminent holding of the House of Representatives elections.
The council completed the reading of the report and the discussion of the third amendment bill to the Law of Implementation of Irrigation Projects No. 138 of 1971 submitted by the Agriculture, Water and Marshlands Committee.
During the session, partly headed by the First Deputy Speaker, Mr. Hassan Al-Kaabi, the Council completed the first reading of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international convention related to intervention on the high seas in the event of accidents causing oil pollution of 1969 and the protocol related to intervention on the high seas in cases of pollution by substances Other than oil for the year 1973 submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee to enable states parties to take the necessary measures on the high seas to prevent, mitigate or address the grave dangers facing their coasts or the related interests arising from pollution by oil or by substances other than oil or by threatening them as a result of marine accidents or related actions Out.
On a related level, the Council completed the first reading of the draft law on ratifying the air transport services agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the United Arab Emirates submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee to strengthen cooperation between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the United Arab Emirates in the field of air transport and the establishment and operation of air services between the regions of the two countries And what is behind them.
In another matter, the Council discussed important issues, including the reasons for not including a number of universities and colleges in the (Employment Initiative) form available on the official website of the Federal Service Council and the mechanisms that were adopted to choose the university upon application, in addition to the call to form a life for the equitable distribution of federal funds supervising the administration of government funds Federal, in order for it to be able to distribute federal revenues in a fair and regular manner to the governorates and regions and to ensure justice and equality between them, and to reduce rampant poverty in some governorates, as well as to expedite the disbursement of farmers’ dues, stressing the need to activate the recommendations of Resolution (77) related to Abdullah’s incense, stressing the importance of The Ministry of Water Resources must exploit and benefit from the current abundance of water, noting the importance of legislating a law against domestic violence, in addition to addressing the stages of work in the large port of Faw as well as government investments outside Iraq.
After that, it was decided to adjourn the session to Monday 12/7/2020,