Oil and Gas denies the existence of paragraphs in the budget that “make oil companies losers.”

Oil and Gas denies the existence of paragraphs in the budget that “make oil companies losers.”


Oil and Gas denies the existence of paragraphs in the budget that make oil companies losersSaturday (June 1, 2024), a member of the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Adnan Al-Jabri, denied that there was any indication of a deduction from the salaries, incentives, and bonuses of oil sector employees in the budget tables, indicating that even if this was discovered, it would be amended.

Al-Jabri said in a press interview, “We looked at the items in the budget schedules for the current year 2024, and we did not find anything in them related to violating the rights of oil sector employees. If we found that when the schedules were presented to a vote, we would not allow those paragraphs to be passed because targeting the oil sector is unacceptable, and any targeting of this sector is targeting the Iraqi state.” “.

Al-Jabri added, “The Finance Committee monopolized the discussions on the details of the budget, but the Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, directed parliamentary finance to involve the parliamentary committees in discussing the paragraphs and items of the budget tables. Despite this, we have reviewed in detail these items, and there will be no targeting of the salaries, incentives, and profits of oil employees, and this is our commitment.” We will not allow such a paragraph to exist even though it does not exist.”

A number of oil sector employees in Basra Governorate have revealed that they will go out in demonstrations tomorrow because the 2024 budget includes paragraphs in its schedules that affect their salaries and benefits.

A number of them said, “There is a popular movement among members of the boards of directors of oil companies and employees to stage demonstrations after attempts to undermine the benefits payable to the oil employee.”

They stated that they will not allow their families’ livelihoods to be targeted and the oil companies to seek to lose money under the pretext of compensating sums of money to support federal government projects such as bridges and others, indicating that the matter will not pass in Parliament’s vote on Monday.
