National Interest: Washington’s policy is based on creating disputes and crises between its opponents

National Interest: Washington’s policy is based on creating disputes and crises between its opponents


National Interest - Washingtons policy is based on creating disputes and crises between its opponentsInformation / translation ..
A report by the American National Interest magazine, on Sunday, confirmed that the US policy in the Middle East and other regions is based on creating differences between its competitors and exploiting them to maintain its hegemony in various regions of the world.
The report, which was translated by the information agency, stated that “while Washington succeeded in the past in exploiting the Russian-Chinese rift through the policy of Kissinger and Richard Nixon, the United States has not been successful in recent times due to reasons including the opposition of some of America’s current allies and the politically powerful local political forces within the United States.” As well as increasing the ability of America’s opponents to exploit the differences between Washington and its traditional allies.
He added, “The United States was not using differences, but rather creating differences in order to weaken all parties and remain as the dominant force in the equation, but it was not able to do so now because most people around the world have matured and become truly aware of its aggressive goals in its endeavors to torture them in one way or another.” with another.”
“Moreover, the American goals have become clear to everyone in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and therefore the United States is no longer able to use its old ways of deception as it was in the past,” he added.
And the report stated, “If America’s opponents now have differences with each other but do not turn to the United States for support, it is because they continue to regard the United States as more of a threat despite their differences with other anti-American regimes or movements, and therefore they have no desire for any help from America.
The report indicated that “the only hope left for America is to rely on the tyrannical regimes allied with it to implement the decisions of cooperation with the Americans who have been damned so far relatively quickly after they finally decide that this will be in their interest.”