National Coalition: Maliki must change, because the problems will remain in his life

National Coalition: Maliki must change, because the problems will remain in his life

08-07-2014 02:15 PM

National Coalition - Maliki must change because the problems will remain in his lifeBaghdad (news) .. called for a coalition of national, change of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in response to the will of the people and the religious authority. said the MP for the coalition Maysoon al in a press conference attended by the Agency (news): The ‘national forces did not deal with due diligence with the crisis and reduced conflict on the distribution of positions and privileges in accordance with the principle of sectarian and nationalist, a same formula that led to the destruction of the country. ‘ she said that ‘coalition From this standpoint launched an initiative to convene a meeting of the leaders of the political process to draw a map to take the country to safety through genuine national reconciliation and the formation of a government based the principle of citizenship far from quotas obnoxious’. continued: ‘followed by a second initiative and complementary to the first about a meeting of neighboring countries to put an end to the implications of security and the fight against the forces of terror in the region as a whole and fee formula balance in relations with the regional countries, but he is not responding’. showed: that ‘ Our coalition will not be a part of this approach ‘, claim to respond to the will of the people and authorities in the change and support enjoys national consensus restores balance to the political process and takes into account the forces of mobility mass seriousness and clings to the national project that protects Iraq’s political sectarianism and division and is committed to a roadmap with a continuing effort to find solutions to the current crisis in accordance with the initiatives Ulkipilleten Iraq and guarantee the protection of its security and safety of its people. / End