National Alliance seeks to calm and to achieve reforms for rescinding the decision to withdraw confidence

Vice with him: the National Alliance seeks to calm and to achieve reforms for rescinding the decision to withdraw confidence

On: Saturday 06/09/2012 16:08

Baghdad (news) .. Called on the Member State of Law coalition MP / National Alliance / Secretary Hadi, political blocs to question Prime Minister Maliki and ask what their reservations on the performance of his government to resolve the political crisis, instead of demanding the withdrawal of confidence. 
said Hadi, in a statement (of the Agency news) on Saturday: The President Jalal Talabani did not sign the request to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki because he was not convinced of the need to withdraw confidence, given that the process of questioning is the solution best suited to carry out reforms cabinet. He added: The President of the Republic according to the Constitution apply to the House of Representatives to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki, based on request (25) Deputy or more, may not submit this request only after an interpellation addressed to him from the political blocs. He pointed to: that the coalition is trying to calm between the political parties against the reversal of the decision to withdraw confidence from Maliki, through reform of the government’s performance and the legislative and judicial, rather than the introduction of new conflicts in the country. / End / 12. d. Q /

Source: ikhnews