Najafi questioned al-Maliki announced a few days and shows his willingness to leave office

Najafi questioned al-Maliki announced a few days and shows his willingness to leave office

21/06/2012 13:27

Erbil, June 21 (Rn) – The Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi Thursday asked to question Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will present during the days and expressed at the same time his readiness to leave his post if you find enough votes for it. trying to critics questioning al-Maliki in the House and ask questions to him and he asked is also supported by a coalition of state law provided that it is broadcast on the air. and critics have been seeking to withdraw confidence from Maliki, but their efforts came to something like a failure after he refused to Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a request to withdraw the confidence of the House of Representatives because of non-completion of a sufficient number. Nujaifi said at a news conference in Baghdad and broadcast by television stations that Maliki’s opponents told him that the request questioning the House of Representatives will be within a few days. and deny al-Maliki accused his opponents and said he and his supporters he is working according to the Constitution did not Ikhrgah according to the broad powers granted to him. said Najafi, the number of MPs insist on the withdrawal of confidence more than a quorum legal. And needs no confidence to 163 votes. He was willing to meet with Maliki to discuss the differences. expressed Najafi, a leader in the Iraqi List, is ready to leave his post, saying “if the request for the withdrawal of confidence from me, I Satrha and present it to the House of Representatives.” He pointed out that he will deal with the withdrawal of confidence by all ” open-mindedness “If you find enough votes, saying,” The presidency of the Council is not confined to Balngeevi. ” involved the coalition in Iraq to Maliki’s government and has about eight ministers. Sadr is also involved with most of the service ministries with the participation of the Kurds. Murtaza Yousuf

Source: aknews