Najafi: Iraq at a crossroads either form a government or head of a new civil war

Najafi: Iraq at a crossroads either form a government or head of a new civil war

12-07-2014 09:43 AM

Najafi - Iraq at a crossroads either form a government or head of a new civil warBaghdad (news) .. warned the leader of a coalition united to reform Osama Najafi, that Iraq is at a crossroads, which can either be a partnership and the government of Prime New to handle errors, and either a ‘civil war’. Nujaifi said in a statement received by the Agency (news) copy of it: The ‘opportunity did not give a true partnership, was the monopoly and domination, exclusion and marginalization and to encroach upon the Constitution, is born a climate of rebellion and revolution, especially in the Sunni provinces, pointing out that Iraq is at a crossroads: either there will be a true partnership and a new government, the President of the new approach is able to reform and address errors, either to go Iraq to civil war and disruption where loss will be confirmed for all ‘. added: Organizing Daash took advantage of this situation, as well as the corruption that plagued the military, came to collapse grave security, wondering how we understand shed terrorists Daash the second largest city Iraq, and how to understand the collapse of the military teams Imam terrorists. confirmed Najafi ‘constitutional right to establish regions in the provinces, our goal the success of the political process and preserve the unity of the country, reiterated his call to the National Alliance to’ provide an alternative candidate for prime minister, to be put forward a candidate Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the Kurds to submit their candidate for the presidency. / End