MP: Al-Kazemi faces political pressures that hinder the opening of major corruption files

MP: Al-Kazemi faces political pressures that hinder the opening of major corruption files

9/21/2020 13:56

MP - Al-Kazemi faces political pressures that hinder the opening of major corruption filesWhere’s News –

Baghdad, the deputy from the Al-Sadiqoun Parliamentary Bloc, Ahmed Al-Kinani, saw the need for Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi for more time to proceed with reforms, while he stressed the existence of political pressures hindering the opening of major corruption files.
Al-Kinani said, according to his party’s media, that “the country is going through a set of challenges that have cast a shadow over the federal budget and the government faces the challenge of securing salaries,” noting that “the budget presented by the government is in violation of the General Budget Law, but because of the country’s circumstances, Parliament will proceed with its approval.”
He added that “the government has placed Parliament at a critical angle, either to borrow or not to salaries, and that many of the budget items need to be borrowed and will burden future generations.”
Al-Kinani noted, “All parliament members are supportive of the government, regardless of who heads it.”
He continued: “There should be a new auction for mobile companies instead of extending the deadline. The companies have not paid their financial obligations until the moment. As for the appointments, the House of Representatives set for a period of time in the government of resigned Adel Abdul Mahdi.”
Al-Kinani declared: “We do not have any minister in the Al-Kazemi government, and we will not participate in any position, even at the level of a director, and our problem is in consensual democracy; but we hope that the Al-Kazemi government will be successful.” Political targeting. ”
He added, “Combating corruption is everyone’s security, but the Al-Kazemi government cannot do a done job due to the amount of problems, and all previous governments failed to fight the corrupt