Motives for America’s targeting of the judiciary and Iraq’s position on it

Motives for America’s targeting of the judiciary and Iraq’s position on it


Motives for Americas targeting of the judiciary and Iraqs position on itInformation / Baghdad
America has returned to its previous nature by trying to provoke the Iraqis and make them feel that it is the one with the upper hand, manipulating their capabilities and destiny, and even controlling everything inside them, and this time through one of its representatives who touched the Iraqi judiciary and its head, Faeq Zidane.

Republican Representative Mike Waltz intends to introduce an amendment to the foreign appropriations bill next Thursday to classify the Supreme Judicial Council and its head, Judge Faiq Zaidan, as assets controlled by Iran, at a time when Iraq has the legal right to sue Washington for its blatant assault on the judiciary and its head after the charges were filed against him.

This intervention coincides with the statements of the candidate for the position of US ambassador to Baghdad, Tracy Ann Jacobson, who declared hostility to national forces and national symbols before coming to Iraq.

The abuse of the Iraqi judiciary aroused the anger of Iraqis, who considered this abuse an attack on Iraq’s sovereignty and a lack of respect for its institutions and authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the statements made by US Congressman Mike Waltz against the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faeq Zidane.

The Foreign Ministry stated in a statement received by the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, that “the Ministry considers these statements to be a blatant interference in Iraqi internal affairs,” stressing that “the statements are an attempt to influence the judicial authority, which is a violation of the most important components of the state’s entity, which is responsible for achieving justice, equality, and the stability of the country.” “.

According to the statement, the Foreign Ministry expressed its “complete rejection of what was included in these statements regarding the person of the head of the Judicial Council, Judge Faeq Zidane, and the basic rights of the Iraqi state, in which the judiciary represents the primary guarantor of rights and freedoms.”

She added, “I regret the attempts to involve Congress in such issues, as they constitute interference in the sovereignty of states and their judicial systems.”

In the same context, Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, condemned the US Congress’ draft against the head of the judiciary, describing it as a “dangerous precedent.”

Al-Mandlawi said in a statement received by Al-Maalouma Agency, “What was reported by American media outlets regarding Republican Congressman Mike Waltz submitting a draft law amendment and including a clause affecting the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faeq Zidane, is a ‘dangerous precedent’ added to the record of actions of the Biden government, which publicly supported the most heinous mass massacre committed by Zionist gangs against the people of Gaza.”

Al-Mandlawi called on the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs to move through its diplomatic means and send a direct message of Iraq’s rejection, with all its powers, of such offensive interventions, which came from the US Congressman, describing them as tools of influence for other countries,” noting that “Iraq is a sovereign country, and its relations with all countries are built on the basis of mutual respect.”

He affirmed, “the House of Representatives’s full support for the head of the judiciary, and its absolute rejection of any abuse of his authority and all authorities,” stressing “the keenness of the Presidency of the House to follow up on these illegal acts and take everything necessary to reject them.”

Some Iraqi leaders have downplayed these American premises, describing them as worthless.

The head of the Rights Movement, MP Hussein Mounes, considered that what was issued by a member of the US Congress towards the judiciary and its head, Faeq Zidane, confirms that such statements are paid for and have no value in our country, which rejects Washington’s aggressive policies.

For his part, MP Aref Al-Hamami considered, today, Saturday, the statements of the American Senator a blatant violation of Iraqi sovereignty and interference in the affairs of a sovereign country.

Al-Hammami said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “Targeting the Supreme Judiciary means attacking all Iraqis, and this is a dangerous precedent because it targeted the Judicial Council, which we consider a safety valve for the Iraqi state.”

He added, “We condemn and denounce this blatant transgression, and the Iraqi Foreign Ministry must take a position rejecting these statements and take all diplomatic measures to respond to Washington’s repeated insults.”

He said, “Such statements have become frequent, and political forces must deal with such actions firmly.”

US Senator Mike Waltz’s proposal to punish the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council sparked angry reactions and widespread condemnation in Iraqi political and societal circles.

Many Iraqi observers have described this approach as a blatant attack on a pillar of the democratic process in Iraq.