Ministry of Finance required to open windows for the sale of hard currency in all provinces

Deputy: Ministry of Finance required to open windows for the sale of hard currency in all provinces to support the price of the Iraqi dinar

30-07-2013 12:23 PM

Ministry of Finance required to open windows for the sale of hard currencyBaghdad (news) .. Student member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Amin Hadi, the Ministry of Finance to coordinate with the Central Bank to open the windows sale of hard currency in all branches of government banks generality of the country so as to prevent the monopoly of selling to banks certain without the other. said Hadi (of the Agency news): that some banks civil trying to monopolize the sale of hard currency to their advantage, which led to increase in the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar, as a result of the existence of an imbalance in the balance of supply and demand for dollars in the local market. said: The Ministry of Finance required to develop a plan to open special outlets for the sale of hard currency in all branches of the Rafidain Rashid the country both in Zakho or FAO to deliver the dollar to target groups of traders and businessmen or travelers and others, so as to support the stability of the dinar exchange rate, noting that the state desperately needs to dinar because most of their dealings in dollars. has seen Iraqi dinar exchange rate over the past weeks significantly reduced compared to dollar, which made ​​economists fear its impact on the country’s economic wheel. / End / 8.’s. m /