Meeting will be held on refuse to withdraw confidence from the Maliki

Meeting will be held on Saturday with a majority of the Iraqi decision to refuse to withdraw confidence from the Maliki

On: Friday 6/1/2012 9:14

Baghdad (news) .. MP for the / mass white / Ahmed Al Oraibi, a meeting will be held on Saturday in the presence of a majority of the Iraqi List, the rejection of the draft to withdraw confidence from Maliki’s government. 
said Oraibi in a statement (of the Agency news): Who Speaks for the collection of more than (163) vote of the members House of Representatives for the purpose of withdrawing confidence from Maliki’s government, especially at the present time does not have the precision that there is vice even from outside the National Alliance does not favor the withdrawal of confidence from the al-Maliki.said Oraibi: There is a meeting will be held on Saturday and begrudge about (42) Personal parliamentary bloc and white patriots and the Alliance center to confirm their complete rejection of the withdrawal of confidence from the al-Maliki. The country has a political crisis confirms some observers to be on the rise in the unit of the differences between the political blocs after having been reduced from a difference between the Iraqi List and the rule of law to the difference in the latter with the Kurdistan Alliance and the Sadr movement and other movements and parties amounted to an escalation of claims of no confidence for the Maliki government. / Finished / 3. n. r /

Source: ikhnews