Maliki’s coalition reveals about his road map to get out of the current crisis

Maliki’s coalition reveals about his road map to get out of the current crisis

26/06/2012 09:22

Baghdad, June 26 (Rn) – The State of Law Coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Tuesday, on the status of the National Alliance, a roadmap will be launched in the coming days in order to end the political crisis. The leader of the coalition Saad logistical told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) “National Alliance, develop a road map a key to resolve the crisis of politics and will be working on during the coming days, which is based on dialogue and debate to emerge from the crisis.”  said logistical that “part of what has been put forward is the subject of reform and Reform Commission that will work with the other lists will be the director of the crisis , “calling” the other lists to respond to the Committee. ” and the logistical “The success of the initiative to resolve the political crisis and the work of the reform comes after the approval of the brothers in the other lists on the principle of reform.” The National Alliance was announced last Thursday agreed to form a committee to reform holds the mechanisms of action for reform in the overall political process.and adopt today the political blocs (of Iraq and the Kurdistan Alliance and the Sadrists) efforts to withdraw confidence from the Maliki where it considers may breach the Constitution and damaged the partnership in power. was cantoned to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki has pointed out that the interrogation process will be in If they failed to withdraw the confidence with him. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said in an earlier statement that he had received 160 signatures, a number is not sufficient to withdraw confidence from Maliki’s government, with said Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani, in comments on his site social networking Facebook that he had 170 signatures . From: Raman Brosk, the Open: Peace Baghdadi

Source: aknews