Maliki, a candidate for prime minister, succeeding Ebadi

Maliki, a candidate for prime minister, succeeding Ebadi

Published on: Today, 16:01

Maliki - a candidate for prime minister succeeding EbadiBAGHDAD / Sky Press:

A source close to the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Thursday, for the latter’s intention to run for the post of prime minister in the event of abandonment Haider al-Abadi.

The source, who is close by Ali al-Moussawi, media adviser to former Nuri al-Maliki in an exclusive interview with “Sky Press,” that “there is some information that indicates the intention of al-Maliki to run for prime minister in the event of abandoning the current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for the position.”

He added, “There are some figures from the Dawa Party will support al-Maliki and his support for it.”

The informed source, it was revealed that the head of the National Alliance and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari put himself a candidate in front of the National Alliance for prime minister instead of the current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who is seeking blocks and parties to change it, as he pointed to a split between the followers of Nuri al-Maliki and Ali al-Adeeb of the Dawa Party on change Abadi.

It is noted that the Sadrist movement nominated the governor of Maysan Ali Douai officially for prime minister, indicating that the Douai made a lot of the province, where the power factor is important to be prepared to provide services to citizens.