“Long” get two تكشفان documents attempt Maliki “fool” and his ministers on elections, Anbar, Nineveh

“Long” get two تكشفان documents attempt Maliki “fool” and his ministers on elections, Anbar, Nineveh

28/03/2013 (00:01 pm)

BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah

I got the “long” on Wednesday, the two documents concerning elections Anbar and Nineveh, Mekdmtin to the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, تكشفان how things are going in the Council of Ministers, and Tfsran anger ministers Sadrists and their political leadership on “distorting facts” done by the team of political and military Prime Minister Nuri Maliki.
The source said the high provided the “long” documents, on condition of anonymity, said al-Maliki presented to ministers “a book full of Baltlaabat and inaccuracies”, explaining that he gave ministers a book directed to him in his capacity as commander in chief of the armed forces, of the Supreme Security Committee for the elections, saying that the committee met with the leaders of operations in Nineveh and Anbar has recommended the need to postpone the elections.
But the uproar that accompanied Maliki’s decision to postpone the elections made a number of ministers asking priorities book Security Committee and the minutes of the meeting of the cells of the crisis with the leaders of the operations.
Explains, “after questions and audit Maliki did not provide evidence to get a meeting in Nineveh, but gave one book to the minutes of the meeting in Ramadi missed 3 out of 6 members of the security crisis cell”.
“The book by the director of intelligence Anbar absent from a meeting cell crisis, which recommended to postpone the elections, as the absence of the Director of the Office there, along with the police chief of Anbar, the book shows that another security official was signed on their behalf.”
He continued, “The first book Manual presented by al-Maliki to senior ministers as a recommendation to postpone the elections, it was written in a way that fake and did not reflect reality, and was based on the signatures of 3 officials concerned of 6 in Anbar, not documenting something on the status of Mosul.”
He concluded by saying “the first book of the five lines to resolve the situation in a sudden manner, and the way things work in the Council of Ministers without internal control system method of decision-making.”
According to the first document belonging to the security committee for the elections, “the Supreme Security Committee recommends to go to elections postponement of the elections in the provinces of Nineveh and Anbar time to be determined from the Electoral Commission in coordination with the Supreme Security Committee of the elections.”
But the difference with the minutes of the meeting seems a crisis cell held at six o’clock in the evening on Saturday day on 16/3/2013 in order to hold provincial elections in Anbar province, specifically.
Explains the record that “the security committee recommended against the possibility of elections well because there demonstrations and sit-in, without mentioning the Nineveh province among the provinces that will postpone the elections in which, while the Council of Ministers and the General Commander of the Armed Forces included the province of Nineveh with Anbar issue postpone elections beyond six months, while providing security. ”
And justified cell crisis can not initiate elections conservative “hardly use Baktat from outside the province because there sensitivity by the protesters, as well as the difficulty of securing access and United Nations delegations and civil society organizations to participate and supervise the transparency of the electoral process due to the unstable security situation, especially in remote and rural areas without specifying the identity of the province. ”
This record and the tail on 03/16/2013.
The Iraqi government decided, on Tuesday, (19 March 2013), to postpone local elections in the provinces of Nineveh and Anbar at the request of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for six months, against the backdrop of a series of bombings by car bombs and explosive devices rocked the provinces of Babil and Kirkuk, as she was to Baghdad lion’s share of them, as resulted in the neighborhoods multiple of the capital killed and injured 207 people in the outcome of a preliminary. The earlier decision reaction strong opposition from Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, who confirmed on Tuesday (19 March 2013), that the postponement of the elections in the provinces of Nineveh and Anbar is “exclusion of the Year “, and” injustice to the Shia, “promised” the marginalization of the Sunnis of Iraq disaster unforgivable “, and stressed that the postponement of the general elections,” the consecration of the idol and dictatorship, “noting that staying in the current government” is harmful. ”
