Liberal bloc: Biden’s visit to Iraq to try to divide Iraq

Liberal bloc: Biden’s visit to Iraq to try to divide Iraq

12:41 PM

BAGHDAD / electronic integrity
Considered a member of the Liberal bloc Fawzi Akram Tarzi’s visit by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden at this time that it is unwelcome, adding that he is trying to divide Iraq into three statelets Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish in this visit.
The tailor’s newspaper “integrity of electronic”, Thursday, that the visit of U.S. Vice-President of Iraq is informal and not welcome by the Iraqi people and most of the political blocs which Maholt miserable and desperate in order to complete or attempt to divide Iraq into which the so-called Bcieih and Sunni and Kurdish. ”
He added, “It is behind this is to create sectarian strife of a new or nationalism it is rejected by all honorable Iraqis, but the coming days there will be a breakthrough to the crisis and the type of assignment, coordination and cooperation more than ever before because everyone realized the seriousness of the sensitive stage of contemporary history of Iraq, indicating that the The American side has a future election are trying to miss the last card they have ..
Source: alestiqama