Kurdish official determines the hiding place of the terrorist criminal “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi”

Kurdish official determines the hiding place of the terrorist criminal “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi”


Kurdish official determines the hiding place of the terrorist criminal Abu Bakr al-BaghdadiThe head of the security and information in the Kurdistan Region, Lahore Talabani, said the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of “Daash”, is planning a series of terrorist attacks in Europe in retaliation for the recent defeats suffered by the terrorist organization

The newspaper quoted the Kurdish official as describing Baghdadi’s plans as “complex,” adding that attacks against unusual targets were aimed at raising the morale of the group’s militants after a series of defeats in Mosul, al-Rukha and elsewhere.

Talabani warned of the danger of the emergence of a new generation of terrorist groups in Iraq in the absence of the implementation of radical political reforms.

The Kurdish official said in an interview with the newspaper during his visit to London, that the loss of “advocate” for large areas of land under his control in Iraq and Syria, does not mean the end of the organization.

He revealed that, according to the assessments, there were about 500 British superiors in the ranks of the terrorist organization during the peak of his influence in Iraq and Syria, confirming the liquidation of most of them during the recent military operations supported by the International Coalition.

Talabani renewed his insistence that Baghdadi is still alive, saying that the leader of the “da’sh” hiding, most likely, in the desert areas on the Syrian and Iraqi borders.

He said Baghdadi was seeking a new series of terrorist attacks that would target Britain and other Western countries.

He explained that the “Dahesh” is trying to carry out attacks to draw the attention of the press, as the leaders of the organization close to Baghdadi to organize terrorist operations, “more complex”, to appear “urging” himself after losing land, able to fight the war on the West.
