Kurdish MP: Baghdad will not respond, and we fear a political boycott if the budget is passed by a majority

Kurdish MP: Baghdad will not respond, and we fear a political boycott if the budget is passed by a majority

01-31-2021 10:56 AM

Kurdish MP - Baghdad will not respond and we fear a political boycott if the budget is passed by a majorityToday, Sunday, MP for the Kurdistan Islamic Group, Salim Hamza, expressed the Kurds’ fear of entering into a “political boycott” in the event of passing the budget without an agreement with the region, indicating that the Shiite blocs do not respond to the government proposal to deliver 250 thousand barrels.

Hamza said in a statement to “Tigris”, “We fear that the budget will be passed within the political majority amid the Kurdish forces’ boycott of the voting session in the event Baghdad insists on its approach regarding the region’s share, because this will lead to another crisis between Baghdad and Erbil and may reach the province.”

He added that “the proposal of the federal government to deliver 250 thousand barrels of oil in the region to the SOMO company, with the revenues of the border crossings, is very important and it is acceptable and we have agreed to it, but some parties in Baghdad reject it for political considerations . ”

Hamza explained that ” the region’s delegation informed Baghdad of its agreement to those conditions and ratios established by Articles 11 and 10 of the budget and related to the region’s share, but Baghdad will not respond and insist that the region hand over all of its oil and half of its other revenues . ”

It is supposed to arrive this afternoon, Sunday, the Vice President of the Kurdistan region Qubad Talabani to enter into further negotiations with Baghdad in order to reach a solution that satisfies both parties, despite the recognition of the Kurdish representatives of the difficulty of negotiation.
