Khashan considers Sadr’s position “honest” and proposes a political solution “that satisfies everyone”

Khashan considers Sadr’s position “honest” and proposes a political solution “that satisfies everyone”

2022-08-30 04:58

Khashan considers Sadrs position honest and proposes a political solution that satisfies everyoneShafaq News/ Today, Tuesday, the independent deputy, Basem Khashan, described the position of the leader of the Sadrist movement in “burying sedition” and withdrawing his supporters from the Green Zone in central Baghdad, as “sincere and seeking to keep Iraqis away from strife and war”, while presenting a solution that satisfies all forces to resolve the political blockage.

Khashan told Shafaq News Agency, “Al-Sadr has proven the sincerity of his intentions to keep the country away from strife and war,” calling on the framework forces “to form a government that meets the demands of the Iraqis and work to hold elections, whether early or periodic.”

He added that “the issue of dissolving Parliament requires, first of all, stopping the suspension of its sessions to re-amend the election law and other laws related to the political process to ensure the adoption of an election law that guarantees its conduct without problems.”

Regarding the dissolution of Parliament by the Federal Court, Khashan said, “The court either rules to dissolve it or vice versa.” .

He continued, “I see that the solution that can satisfy all parties is to return the framework to the initiative of independents in managing this stage,” stressing the necessity of “forming a government that adheres to a government program supported by all political parties, and that transcends its interests and prioritizes public interests on that to achieve stability in the country.”