Israeli decision on attacking Iran is approaching

Posted 17/05/2012 08:43 PM
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – opens a special door leading from the Office of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister in the center of Jerusalem to the long hall with modest furniture and decorated with modern artists and a copy of the Israeli declaration of independence of Israel in 1948. Hall does not contain a little more than a long wooden table and a brown leather seats and a screen display old-fashioned.

In this region at the end of the internal passageway located between the chamber and the Office of Netanyahu’s senior military advisers could soon take a major military decisions during the decade of the Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister
The time passes quickly on the decision-making while getting tense atmosphere in Jerusalem.
Iran continues to enrich uranium in defiance of international pressure, saying it needs to fuel for its civilian nuclear program, while the West is convinced that the goal of Tehran is the real nuclear bomb, which is not acceptable to Israel ever since its leaders consider that Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons threat to the existence of their state.
With increasing international pressure, said U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro this week that U.S. military plans to strike Iran “ready” and that this option “is available completely.”

And reflect the huge map of the Middle East hangs next to the door of Netanyahu’s office the central role played by Iran in its deliberations where Israel is located on the edge of the map while Iran stands in the middle of it.
Experts say that within a few months will be moved a large part of Iran’s nuclear program to a place deep underground in Mountain Fordo making a successful military strike more difficult.
With the approaching deadline for a decision changed the public statements of senior officials and the Israeli military.After a strongly worded warnings about the possibility of a strike earlier this year became the dialect in recent times more cautious and it is difficult to predict their intentions.
The official said “the Prime Minister show secretive,” adding that “no one says anything in public, and this in itself demonstrates a lot about the extent to which it matters.”
Last week, Netanyahu’s political surprise dawn where the form of government of national unity coalition for the elections and that they believe everyone was inevitable. This maneuver led to speculation that Israeli Prime Minister wants a strong government with a broad base to lead a military campaign.
And fueled speculation that the chief of staff post Iranian-born former Israeli General Shaul Mofaz, in the coalition, even though both deny Mofaz, Netanyahu and Iran are mentioned in the negotiations on forming a coalition.
The prominent Israeli figure is closely related to leadership, “I think they made a decision to launch the attack,” adding, “going to happen. Opportunity is before the U.S. presidential election in November. This way Americans pay for their support.”
It is envisaged close to Netanyahu’s more cautious, saying it should not be making any assumptions about an attack on Iran, an attack that could have devastating consequences for the troubled Middle East until the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas went in an interview with Reuters last week to a prediction that he would be “The End of the world.”
The Israelis are particularly feared retaliation from Hezbollah in south Lebanon and fighters of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza Strip. It is believed that the two groups possess a large arsenal of missiles that can hit major Israeli cities.
Sheikh Naim Qassem, deputy secretary general of Hezbollah, told Reuters in February that an Israeli attack on Iran will ignite the entire Middle East, adding that the days when Israel decides to strike while the others are gone silent.
And repeats the Israeli prime minister and key allies that he must allow time for economic sanctions on Iran and that the moment is appropriate to talk about military options.
Shows that senior officials in the new coalition is based entirely on internal grounds, saying it is necessary to deal with the thorny issue of recruiting 
militants and the Jews that give rise to a split in Israel.