Iraqi official: US special force besieged al-Baghdadi in Deir al-Zour

Iraqi official: US special force besieged al-Baghdadi in Deir al-Zour

2019/1/27 8:43

Iraqi official - US special force besieged al-Baghdadi in Deir al-Zour(International: Euphrates News) revealed by a senior Iraqi military official in Baghdad, the crossing of a special US force into Syrian territory by land through the Kurdistan region, last Thursday, accompanied by an armed unit of the Syrian Democratic Forces (Qusd).
The source said in a press statement that the crossing of the force came “after receiving information that there is a guerrilla leader and called on the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, within an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers within the province of Deir al-Zor border with Iraq, specifically in the countryside of Deir al-Zour between Albaguz and Mradha south, West, and the Albuqamal desert, which connect Iraq to the east. ”
An Iraqi security expert suggested that the US special squad would be the same as the one that was previously assigned to follow the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and succeeded in eliminating him in 2011 in the town of Abbottabad in northeastern Pakistan.
According to the Iraqi official himself, the American contingent was located inside a military base in the city of Arbil and moved to within the Syrian territory, the first time they enter there.
“The information we have is that the US military wants al-Baghdadi alive, which may explain the entry of US special forces into Syrian areas that can be considered military casualties, as well as the delay in resolving the entry of Kurdish militias to the remaining villages and small Syrian towns, So, with the air cover available. ”
Commenting on Washington’s eagerness to arrest al-Baghdadi alive, the official said, “It may have something to do with the situation of US President Donald Trump, his need for any positive event in his favor in the American street, or al-Baghdadi’s many answers on questions that are still vague, In the dealings of the organization with other parties in the Syrian and Iraqi arenas, “as he put it.
“The United States is at the forefront of the military front in the area where Baghdadi is likely to be present, so the talk about a Russian or Turkish role is incorrect,” he said, adding that the chances of winning him were too weak to kill him. Even blew himself up before his arrest.
Al-Baghdadi is Ibrahim Awad Al-Badri, born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971. He received a master’s degree in 2002 and a doctorate in Islamic law from Baghdad University in 2006.
He worked as an imam and preacher in a mosque in Baghdad. Tawhid and Jihad “and then” the base of jihad in Mesopotamia “, led by Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
2010 was chosen as Emir of the Organization of the Islamic State in Iraq after the killing of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, a special operation carried out by US forces north of Baghdad.
After the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi expanded from the area of ​​the organization’s activity before announcing the change of his name in 2014 to the organization of “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria”.
Washington has raised the reward for arresting him or giving any information leading to the arrest or killing of al-Baghdadi, from $ 10 million to $ 25 million, while Baghdad has been rewarded financially for his arrest or murder and 49 leaders in Dahesh, among them Arab citizens, most notably Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Maghreb countries such as Algeria and Morocco.
The American reward is the highest of its kind monitored by Washington to kill or arrest a fundamentalist leader since the death of Osama bin Laden, and Baghdadi is among the 10 most wanted in the world.
For his part, the expert on extremist groups in Iraq, Ahmad al-Hamdani, suggested that the force that moved into Syria via Iraq was the same as that of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, since there are American forces currently in Syria.
Al-Hamdani said in a press statement that “the transfer of a small force to Syria at this time specifically means that they actually caught the head of the thread, or spotted a specific spot to search for Baghdadi, and this is likely now, we may hear about his killing or arrest at any time.”
“There are likely to be hundreds of customers deployed in the Iraqi-Syrian border area of ​​the local Iraqi or Syrian population, as well as the Kurds, as well as Arab recruits who work with the Americans for the Syrian part and Sunni Arab tribal fighters for the Iraqi sector. , And they may have obtained important information, “adding that the leader of the organization” may be hidden features in the face of the face has become difficult to identify, but it is sure that he is trapped and no signs that he left the battlefield, in the ABCs of fundamentalist organizations leave the land of usury Or battle zone means an apostate from Islam and Asthlal his blood by the closest of his companions. ”
The deputy commander of the joint Iraqi operations, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Yarallah, has revealed earlier on Friday, in statements to a local Iraqi site, that the plans are completed for the incursion of troops from the Iraqi army to the Syrian depth, in coordination with what the presidency in Damascus , And the Minister of Defense of the Syrian regime.
The forces were supposed to begin operations on the 15th of this month. The danger zone on the Iraqi border was set at 31 kilometers, at a depth of 95 kilometers. It was approved by Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, breaking into an area of ​​20 kilometers and a depth of 10 kilometers. But the international coalition, and in particular the Americans, have asked to postpone the process, saying they can end an urgent presence before February 15.
This was confirmed by the “Syrian Democratic Forces”, which said it would end the existence of the “Al-Da’ashi threat” before the end of February 27, according to statements.