Iraqi government: al-Sadr represents himself no more

Iraqi government: al-Sadr represents himself no more

Published on: 7-26-2016, 12:38

Iraqi government - al-Sadr represents himself no moreFollow-up / Sky Press
A spokesman for the Iraqi prime minister, “Saad al-Hadithi,” against the background of the launch of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, threats against coalition forces stationed in Iraq, that the latter does not represent only himself.

The statement came newborn during the interview in touch with him and the agency “Almonetr,” and I followed, “Sky Press” to indicate the official position of the Iraqi government from these threats, where he stressed that Iraq is linked to the Convention on the strategic framework with the United States, where Iraq see it as an important ally to counter the terrorist organizations that threaten Iraq .

Sabri also also praised the US role has done since 2014, of providing support for Iraq in its war against al Daash.

It should be noted that Almonetr, has pointed to the fact that al-Sadr is a real verbal threats, aiming to embarrass the Iraqi government with its allies for more, especially with the fact that US troops are currently stationed not actually targeted by any party so far.