Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-7-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-7-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-7-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: “Japan grants Iraq $ 270 million loan” I know some get upset with all of the grants, and loans Iraq is getting to help them along with their economy… The one thing we have to bear in mind is that even when the dinar receives value, it will take some time for the Iraqi economy to actually benefit from it… For them it will not be an instant increase in wealth as it will be for us who are not in country… But once it does gather full steam, Iraq will certainly be one of the more powerful economies in the world… These loans, and grants are meant to ensure that the transition will be smooth, and everything is covered until that time comes when it will be self sustaining…

9-7-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …we do have some encouraging tidbits. OPEC – there are already talks of extending the current agreement, which Iraq is in a great spot to take advantage of. Most of the news you will see and hear is glossing over the very important fact that Iraq has an exemption in this deal. This is a big deal for them, and the more the media ignores it, the more I like it! Kurdish Independence – the date for the Referendum, however meaningless it may turn out to be, is still September 24. This gives us a mere 18 days between now and then to potentially see some big news on several fronts. We are standing by for news to pop, probably out of nowhere, unexpectedly, and possibly groundbreaking. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “the calm before the storm”…and I’m not talking about Irma!

9-7-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Final talking points… anyone heard from ISIS lately? No? Looks like that is going exactly as planned. And how about this latest from the IMF? We would never expect any major agency to come out and say “The dinar is going to go up!”, but I know how to read between the lines. All signals are pointing to “GO”.

9-6-2017 Intel Guru Delta “Subscription controls for retail payment infrastructure” Quote: “Distribution controls in the retail payment infrastructure for the purpose of organizing and managing the work of e-payment providers through mobile phone International best practice The corporate controls on retail payment infrastructure have been updated…” THE DATE OF THIS MEMO…07/20/17…BUT THEY ARE SHOWING IT TO US TODAY!!!

9-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The Budget is out; it did not reveal what we are looking for, yet. It is believed an announcement will be made somewhere between now and Sunday. I’ve heard the 10th, the 9th, so I’m saying between now and Sunday. Abadi should be announcing the RI of their currency, in the $2 range, and the word is that he will be making that announcement on the 9th or 10th. We’re in a really good place. Some sources are saying attempts have been made to get this thing out. We are in the process of letting things happen. …let’s see what the week brings up.

9-5-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …It’s very simple for them to start adding value to it [dinar] especially with what they’ve already done. Again and again and again I get emails from people asking, “What do they need to do?” Iraq doesn’t need to do anything. They’ve gotten their currency down to where you and I can exchange for up to .54 or 55 cents. Where are they going to come out? I don’t know. Can they pull more dinar off the market? Sure they can. I haven’t seen any reports on what they’re doing. There really hasn’t been anything out there…there hasn’t been for a while. I know what they’ve already done. And I know what you and I can exchange at. And I know they’re primed to do it. And I know what the market is and it’s a long trend. That’s what they have been waiting for.