Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-21-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-21-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …They can’t change the rate when they have thousands of corrupt figures in the government. There’s no way in heck they can allow the rate to change when they have to arrest well over a thousand people. That’s too much. Arresting that amount of people they have to delay the rate change…That’s most likely the reason why the rate change has been delayed…The fact that they told you they made these arrests should tell you…they’re pretty much at the end of dealing with corruption. They probably just have a little bit more to go…

9-21-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Electricity announces the payment of salaries of contract holders and daily wages” Quote: “Minister, which resulted in securing the salaries of the two tranches and transferring their allocations from the investment budget to the operational one. He disclosed that “their salaries will be paid for the month of March today, Sunday, provided that the rest of the months will be paid with retroactive effect after the budget is approved“ The budget agreement appears to have a retroactive mechanism to pay salaries. They also let it be known they can adjust monies from the investment side of a budget to the operational side. Take note this is not about the 2021 at all. March is in 2020 for a retroactivation to be applicable. This is slated for today… Rate before budget, imo… international continuity must mean that the two entities are in agreement at which they’ll be working and being paid. Imo.

9-21-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Reportedly, Parliament returned the draft budget law for the year 2020 to the Ministry of Finance to reconsider some items and possibly add new verbiage.

9-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready Article: “The government returns the budget law to the Ministry of Finance to reconsider and add new paragraphs” Hopefully, CBI raises the rate without waiting for parliament, cause parliament is stuck on dead slow. They just returned the budget law 2020 to its source without a reading. …They have to have this passed into law in 9 days, and they are sending it back without a single reading. Guess it will get all three readings on Sept 30.

9-20-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [When is the swap supposed to happen or did it?] my sources say it hasn’t happened yet. I’m not sure we will publicly know when it does happen. But IMHO, they wouldn’t be doing this if we were years out from an RV. Iraq is past the point of just needing help. They need to be able to help themselves. Which means they need to add value to their currency. Look at how Trump has told countries to stop using the USD. Now he’s willing to do a currency swap with Iraq? You have to ask why. There is only one reason to do this. Without an RV, Iraq is a has been nation. [Hopefully we see the RV now] I believe it’s coming.

9-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …the day that the rate change happens there’s not going to be any fanfare. There’s not going to be any notice. There’s not going to be any news. You’re just going to wake up one day and it’s there. That’s what they did in Kuwait…

9-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …everything is looking really good right now but everything that…has to do with money nothing has been started yet. Why? What are we waiting for here? It’s Iraq’s economics and really the movement of money. It’s a game of dominoes…the first domino that has to fall is that the rate has to change. That’s what they’re showing you. The rate has to change. Kurdistan and Baghdad can’t even reach their agreement, they can’t even start the approval process of the 2020 budget, they can’t even approve the reforms, they can’t even start those 8.2 billion dollars worth of agreements…it’s a game of dominoes waiting on the rate change…I’m excited right now. I really do feel this is the perfect storm. This storm could not be more perfect for Iraq to actually change the rate…everything that has to do with money is literally on standby/on hold. It’s waiting for something…