Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-12-2022 Guru Nader From The Mid East I don’t know if you saw the news this morning…they start exchanging money with the European countries. That mean you can walk to France or Germany or Italy, any European country and exchange your dinar. The bank in Europe soon will be accepting it. If they come out with this news ‘we plan to develop something with European Union.’ That means they already did it and they’re just waiting for the execution…

9-12-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Kushner: Al-Abadi asked for US protection in exchange for money” I don’t know how to even digest what is going said here…Kushner this is Donald Trump’s son-in-law…and advisor…”revealed in his memoirs Breaking History…they could get 20% of Iraq’s oil revenues in exchange for providing military support to Iraq but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense prevented that…” ….

9-11-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Exchange Example] If you as an American citizen go to Bank of America and they exchange your 3 zero Iraqi notes for American dollars into your account where does the BOA put your 3-zero notes they just exchanged? Where does it go? The treasury. Let’s say you go into one of those [CBI] satellite banks for Iraq here in one of the continental states…

9-11-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 And you say to them, ‘I’d like to convert thees 3-zero Iraqi notes into American dollar please.’ – ‘Oh, we can do that! That’s what we’re here for.’ Once they take your 3-zero notes where will the satellite bank of Iraq send those 3-zero notes? It goes to the Central Bank of Iraq. It goes to their reserves. It goes to their treasury. It does not go the US Treasury because it is not an American bank.

9-11-2022 Newshound Guru Militiaman …We all know that the IQD will likely fall within a basket at the AMF…The BUNA article today supports that within 2-3 weeks there will be more currencies going on-line with it…Once the IQD with an international calculation is applied and it is 100% IMF Article VIII compliant and placed into the basket…that value will be reflected in the balance sheets of the the other countries that have IQD…

9-11-2022 Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] [Iraqi bank gentlemen in US banks update] Can you deposit both American dollars and Iraqi dinar in those [CBI ‘Satellite’ US] banks? No. I told you they’re under American banking laws. You can’t have dual currencies in one account in an American bank.

9-11-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Here’s what you may want to understand as an Iraqi dinar investor. There is an official on the books agreement signed between the United States government and the Iraqi government…it went into effect Jan 1, 2009. This agreement surrounds the process by which Iraq is to recover its full sovereignty.

9-11-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram It appears the US is on the hook for returning Iraq to its previous status of glory. Yet there are factions in Iraq working against Iraq’s status as an independent nation… U.S. assistant Secretary of State for middle eastern affairs Barbara Leaf…did fly into Baghdad to meet with the Prime Minister of Iraq….

9-11-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Breitling Iraq is trying to expand their markets. How do we know Iraq is trying to expand their markets and they’re pro west? …they’re trying to become Swift compliant. That means they’ll have access to western markets…It only makes sense to become swift compliant if you have your own currency with value behind it…What does that technically mean? It means Iraq has their own currency…

9-11-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Breitling The Shia aren’t against that. The Sunni aren’t against that. They’re just trying to find out who is going to control it…the turmoil going on in Iraq is not a threat to them adding value to the Iraqi dinar because…what they want to be able to do is expand their market. To expand it they need to be able to have more customers. How do you have more customers? You got to have a payment system and that payment system is the Swift system. That is what Iraq is concentrating on. They haven’t gone backwards they’ve only gone forwards.

9-11-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy This stalemate seems to have no end in sight. You keep seeing articles where they’re saying Sadr alliance group wants to go ahead and form the government and then in other articles they say they’re not budging. They keep saying they’re going to apply the constitution but the constitution…has caused this deadlock…Sadr said he and his block would retire for one purpose and one purpose only and that would be to dissolve the parliament…

9-11-2022 Newshound Guru Samson [Behind the curtain report] Article: “Kushner: Al-Abadi asked for US protection in exchange for money” Quote: “Jared Kushner, revealed that former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi expressed, in a meeting between them, during a visit to Iraq…his willingness to “give some money in exchange for protection that provided by the United States,”…Kushner revealed in his memoir “Breaking History,” which was released in late August, that they could “get 20% of Iraqi oil revenues, in exchange for providing military support to Iraq,” but the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense prevented that.”

9-11-2022 Intel Guru Michael Cottrell [via PDK] I have been hearing things from the military side…that is very exciting but, I am cautious. I have seen this before. I am trying not to get overly excited.