Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-12-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we were able to get a surge of information…So – here’s where we are…in terms of our timing – first of all – we did have a slight hold up… Just when we thought we were completely off of the SWIFT System – We are NOT off the Swift yet – it is still in use – or able to be used – for the remainder of this month…Why would they allow that system to run parallel to the QFS? Why would they let that happen? To catch the bad guys – that is exactly what they did today – This is why we were held up…this was global not just here – that is a very positive result that has occurred as a result of that…

9-12-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Al-Kazemi arrives in Halabja” You’re gonna see a lot of articles talking about Erbil and Baghdad trying to get things ironed out…we know what needs to be done. The only thing that’s changing right now…is the atmosphere in the amount of cooperation going on between Erbil and Baghdad. We know this has to be ironed out…They can’t go forward with the budget until they get this agreement knocked out…this has to happen very soon. We know that there’s a deadline on the budget getting to parliamentary for it to be voted on…We also know they have to review the reform papers and decide whether or not they’re going to make the changes recommended including the rate change and implement it into the 2021 budget…it looks like Al-Kazemi has rolled up his sleeves. He is over there with Bersani as well as Telebani and they’re getting these things knocked out…

9-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …there is a lot of buzz going on…but again when it comes to what’s going on in Iraq you just never know…as I feared the news of the reform papers discussing a possible rate change has gotten many people out there talking about different rates. This is what I’m hoping you guys don’t get caught up in…No body knows [the rate]…There are arguments for so many rates it’s not even funny. I get bombarded with a lot of people asking me questions about the rates…It is exciting but don’t get caught up in all the hype…the fact that you made an investment into a currency and a rate change happens and you benefit from it should make you happy. Don’t get me wrong, all of us out there want to get that big payday. Who doesn’t. But the point being people have…been down this path a bazillion times…Let this play out. There’s a lot of reason to believe that finally finally this year something is going to happen…

9-11-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Security and stability are at the forefront of investment factors, as capital is looking for a secure and stable environment, a sophisticated banking system and a law that encourages investment away from blackmail, bureaucracy, red tape and corruption. Can Iraq do it? Many ask where is the RV. This is where the RV is going to come from. Read today’s news and ask yourself if Iraq is not moving aggressively in the right direction. The key is the word NOW versus as just talk as we have heard for almost a decade. Yes, they are NOW moving in the right direction as corruption is at a downturn and Iran is being moved out of the country with a roundup of the militias. Folks, the news could not get any better. It gets better and better each week.

9-11-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance expects a delay in disbursing salaries and warns against “implicating Iraq” with borrowings” Clearly they didn’t get that 15 trillion Dinar loan they told us about. They are telling us there will be delays for a few days. Can’t imagine why right? lol Kahdimi is in Kurd town through tomorrow. He is talking about major issues and from the sounds of it the most important have been hammered out and the minor issues are out to committees for follow up. Take note of the most important ones and then think about the next 2020 Budget at stake. They cannot borrow at a program rate.. But, they can go to the secondary market once they go to the IMF,s Article 8 compliance to 100%. imo…Article supports that there is to be a special meeting on the 2020 Budget early or at the start of next week. Well that is Sunday…They say in the above they may have delays for a few days…fits with the approval expected at the extraordinary meeting to come shortly… I think things are very hopeful. Lets see what happens…Imo…All good.

9-11-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [It’s easier to counterfeit US currency which means that Iraq put in a lot of effort to protect a currency that isn’t worth much at the moment…but hopefully will be soon!…] They put a lot of effort, time, and money into protecting a currency that isn’t worth much… why would they do that? Answer: Because the current value is not permanent.

9-11-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Some are expecting things to happen today…some are expecting payouts by Tuesday at the latest. I am hearing from government sources – our government, other governments including one is Iraq that are squarely looking at the 15th. Some good chatter finally after a week of quiet.

9-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Parliamentary Finance: The government’s economic reform paper will be presented at the end of this September” …those reform papers will be there by the end of this month. What does that mean? That means we really just gotta relax, take a deep breath and realize that we’re already on the 10th day of this month. What are we about 3 weeks away from the end of the month? We will know a whole lot more by the end of the month…we are anticipating some very very interesting news by the end of this month.

9-11-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article “Parliamentary Finance: Budget 2020 will bring a boom in the Iraqi economy” This article pretty much is confirming that everything is rigged and has been set, planned and staged for quite some time…look at the date on this article – it’s from June 29th 2019 last year… Quote: “The finance committee of the parliamentary, Saturday, their agreement with the Ministers of Finance to receive the draft budget next year in September, indicating that the budget 2020 will make a quantum leap in the Iraqi economy.” Since June of last year they’ve had preparations to delay the budget until September of 2020…it doesn’t get any better than that. Huge news…