Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-12-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Completion of 4,000 km of optical network” Quotes: “International Information Network, has completed more than 95 percent of the optical network project ” “The Ministry of Communications has announced that the activation of optical network services will begin before the end of this year.” …IMO…the strengthening of their communications systems throughout much of Iraq…and with a “special network of services”…that is big news…also IMO this is telling us the war on terrorism is coming to a close, maybe more swift than we realize…to dig the trenches they are using to install the fiber optics they have to know the areas are safe and free of unexploded bombs…for this kind of distance of optic cable to be buried the Iraqis have to be winning in a big way…again all IMO…and top notch services provided to the homes of Iraqis…they are taking the banks to the citizens in all of this I am predicting…IMO…the BEST news.

9-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray …we do not know the exact day… But we certainly seem to be getting awfully close…

9-12-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [Iraq with the kurds pump 4 million barrels a day times 7 days a week for 12 months a year times 4 years at $40 a barrel. somebody is stealing a lot of Money.] Really, it is not that much money. The numbers vary every year as to production and price of oil. Bottom line, IMO, gross revenues barely pay salaries. But hopefully the outcome of our investment depends upon other factors. I am in for the long haul. It is I have said a once in a millennium opportunity. I still believe it.

9-11-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [If the dinar goes tomorrow, will the dong go simultaneously?] That is what is expected. The information is still indicating that they will all go together, all the currencies we are interested in.

9-11-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “The Government approves the tasks and mechanism of the Higher Committee for Investment and Reconstruction” On the surface this little article seems to be nothing big…but look who approved the tasks…the CABINET…Abadi’s Cabinet…on a Monday…out of the ordinary they would meet today…they normally meet on Tuesdays… Then look at who all was there, most of the Cabinet and ALLAK…why would this kind of high powered Iraqi group need to meet for what a committee was doing…hmmmmmm…is your interest perked up yet…they are considering the LL (long line) IMO…and IMO…they seem to be getting obstacles out of the way…What for…getting ready for implementation of things…investments …companies and countries coming in…this is HUGE IMO…simply HUGE…it’s pointing us towards good things to come…IMO.

9-11-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray You will not be sorry for hanging on… Remember folks that Shabibi spoke of the news getting crazy, and inconsistent as we approached D-Day… Be of good cheer… Lets not lose faith as we draw near to this coming to pass…

9-11-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Central Bank is announcing plans to attract the money raised and blown up by the banking system ” Quote: “…the Central Bank has a scheme to resolve this issue through the development of plans and studies to attract funds and their attractions within the banking system…” ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!

9-11-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We went into the weekend with expectations of announcements that did not take place, but it appears some other things did take place, and that means I am looking forward to some changes taking place tomorrow in some of the systems. As we wait for those to go through the normal order of things, when we can bring information to you, we will. The wheels of progress are turning, and there is some slight evidence of that. We feel good about where we are…

9-11-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Investors Union: Quote: “…a group of Iraqi businessmen, known for their accumulated experience and financial capabilities, are moving to establish an ‘investors’ union’ in a timely manner, a step that has implications and importance at this critical stage.” The talk of investors within Iraq coming together as one is certainly a great sign… Remember that Isis has just about been eliminated from Iraq, and now we have confidence being touted by those who desire to rebuild this country of Iraq… But they know, as we do, that in order for it to be profitable, and well worth their while, the Iraqi dinar has to have value… And it will…