Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-9-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-9-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Parliament reveals: The draft budget for 2021 will be ready this month” This ought to be very very interesting…there are many people who believe in this budget is the rate change…this is good. Let’s get it out of the way. Seriously, let’s get in there early. Let’s get it voted on. Let’s get it reviewed so there’s no more excused and there’s no delays. That would really be a huge step if Iraq could this time around get their budget in ahead of time to be discussed and voted on…everything is looking good…

8-9-2020 Newshound Guru Vic [Do you still like the Dinar as an investment?] Yes!…The IQD is very precious, do not GET RID OF YOURS!… I’ve been saying for awhile that Brexit and Basel lll must be met prior to this going down! Now since then the CV19 issue! Set back Brexit, you all heard what the PREZ., said about Income Tax! UK & USA both need MONEY$$$! The Gold price just shot past 2 Grand! 3 grand is coming! That means USD has dropped in value! So, with that said what do you think both countries need? A shot of Whiskey or a GOOD Shot of IQD!!! When? I think it’s a matter of some/ a few issues that need be cleared up.

8-8-2020 Intel Guru Footforward It’s my opinion this is done…But I’m not watching Iraq. This is bigger then Iraq. Iran is the problem. And they are being hit very hard…I’m not looking for another sign. I feel we have enough to know this is done…

8-8-2020 Intel Guru Mike Cottrell [Do you believe the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished and the Gold Standard has to be in place before the RV can occur?] The Federal Reserve has already been wrapped into the Treasury. And the Gold Standard happens at the RV…same time.

8-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq is not gonna stay pegged just to the dollar after the rate change. That is too unstable…as of November 2017…they un-pegged from the dollar and re-pegged to a currency assortment basket…that means the rate is going to be greater than a dollar. I’m not giving you a rate I’m just telling you greater than a dollar…they are pegged to a secret basket. It’s the highest valued basket in the world..

8-7-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] This is getting down to the wire – we’ve got a little bit of intel…it’s been very very quiet today… I’m going to say – don’t write off this weekend – we heard last week it could be a weekend event –
I think it’s possible but not absolute that we get something moving for us over this weekend…

8-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ The last update from redemption centers is they expected to work this weekend… [Did the Iraqi PM beg the US for an RV rate?] I can’t prove that but we do have a key date to look for…a bit farther out then we thought…but the PM has announced he will be in the US on Aug. 20th.