Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-29-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-29-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-29-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …When back on FOREX is the ONLY time, we will be able to exchange and not before…The new rate we want must show up on FOREX in order for the banks to legally exchange our dinar at the rate we want…

8-29-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy The military does not normally handle any type of exchange rate change for any currency around the world…there is no military ‘standing by’.

8-29-2022 *** Dinar Guru Community Preparation News Update *** This week President Biden signed into law the $437 Billion spending bill ironically called the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). $80 Billion is to be used to increase the size of the IRS… Why does this matter to you? The gurus disagree on how we’ll be taxed upon exchange. Some feel there will be no tax, others feel you’ll owe capital gains, others feel it will be treated as ordinary income. In the end only one opinion matters with taxes – the IRS’s. Whatever they say is what you pay. Consult your tax professionals to determine the right taxes for your unique circumstances. $45 Billion of Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act money is specifically for tax collection and enforcement. Reports are between 50,000 to 87,000 IRS agents will be hired. Are they coming for you? Are they coming for people with a financial windfalls? Obviously they’re coming for someone. That’s why it’s important to consult with your tax professionals so you pay the correct amount. Stay tuned as the gurus continue to debate this important subject.

8-28-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq needs a new government. They need Parliament to pass economic laws to encourage investment. And they need to diversify their economy and begin to get away from oil dependence. Until those things happen the Central Bank of Iraq will be in no position to float the Iraqi dinar. Again, only with the success of Iraq’s economy can the dinar go up in value. Nothing’s going to change until then.

8-28-2022 Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] [Iraqi bank gentlemen in US banks update] Can you as an American citizen, go to these satellite banks and say ‘here’s my 3 zero notes please convert it to American dollars’? The answer is yes… [Can] You as an American citizen, take your Iraqi 3 zero note to these banks and say I’d like to deposit this three zero note into your bank as Iraqi currency? No. They have to follow international banking laws…

8-28-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Legal expert: Recent events open the door to international intervention in Iraqi affairs” The UN Charter can intervene in the political process under emergency circumstances…there appears to be support now for the intervention to facilitate the dissolution. Question is, does the UN Intervene prior to or at the same time as the Judiciary is scheduled to meet on the 08/30/2022 time line…

8-28-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 …[They] were given until the 31st of July to complete the monetary reform. And then they were given 30 days/August to release it…do you think Mustafa and Kazemi care what the Framework/Iran is doing or the fake parliament is trying to do? No. They are moving forward with the monetary reform…they are moving very fast…

8-28-2022 Intel Guru Bluwolf Attention everyone … well this blessing is about to begin… we are almost ready to receive this blessing, according to the Pentagon, we are minute by minute in this aiming to receive the 800 at any moment. Getting the arks of change ready for Monday to Tuesday of this week. Others are also informing them the same thing I had already warned them and that’s confirmation…Be blessed and stay alert…The times of victory are approaching…

8-28-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram [IQD Profits Scenario] for your kids] Meet Irene, she’s 28…She recently took over her father’s financial affairs…She knows that her father has 5 million IQD. [Example] She heard the IQD floated to $0.25 to $1 US dollar. She has so much more to worry about, she just wants to exchange the IQD paper money for U.S. dollars. If all goes well Irene will get $1,250,000 USD…

8-28-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The bank decides they need to hold 25% in federal withholding taxes – $312,000…There are 2 things wrong with this scenario. First, you never want to exchange all of your currency at the same financial institution. The most Irene would want to exchange is $500,000 ($250,000 in her account and $250,000 in her father’s account) [FDIC $250,000 per depositor]…The second thing Irene wants to do is invest the profits to generate an ongoing monthly income so she can quit her job.

8-28-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram If Irene buys a new car, buys a new condo, pays for a full-time nurse for her father, new clothes, a vacation with her boyfriend, then in a very short time she will be BROKE. Preparing for wealth means you research how to generate a monthly income using your initial profits. Here’s the kicker, all of your expenses for your new business will be tax deductible. This is how Irene may be able to get a % of the $300,000 back that the bank sent to the IRS. Your mission is to figure out how will you invest your exotic currency profits…this means you join the rich get richer club..

8-28-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “US report: Biden’s indifference gave Iran the upper hand in Iraq and enabled al-Maliki to lead a judicial coup”. Quote: “For some incomprehensible reason, it seems that Iraq, in which the United States fought two major wars during the past decades, did not it is a priority for Washington, and unfortunately, it has become a priority for Tehran.”

8-28-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Would dong still be about half the rate as the dinar?] That is a good question….The dong rate may be higher based on what I am hearing on the dinar. That would be amazing. Remember nobody knows the exact rate until we get to that finish line.