Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-28-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-28-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-28-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Statement: “The CBI hasn’t initiated the project to delete the zeros.” They are not going to tell you when they initiated. You won’t even know when it’s initiated. You’ll know when it’s just done. You’re just gonna wake up one morning on a Sunday and be like ‘Oh, rate change -ya!”

8-28-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Remember they are releasing a lot of misinformation now…and I am trying to piece through it…I am still excited about where we are at. [So they have kicked the can once again…] I don’t believe the can is being kicked. More and more of my sources say it’s on a fixed schedule now. It’s moving forward slowly and methodically…

8-28-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …guru Frank26 keeps talking about a sovereign currency, as if Iraq doesn’t have one. They introduced the Iraqi dinar in 2003 they are a sovereign country with their own currency, he just doesn’t like the value LOL. But 1190 is the value. There is no RV. The Iraqi dinar is globally recognized oh, they do follow the IMF Charter. It just isn’t really accepted internationally because they haven’t moved the banking system from Article XIV to VIII. Part of the charter of the IMF is that countries that have developing banking systems are always aspiring to engage with the world financial system and be in Article VIII. If you read the Article IV Consultations with Iraq you will see that they have encouraged Iraq to meet the obligations of Article VIII and move to Article VIII to send a positive message to the global investment community.

8-28-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …The real problems are structurally with in Iraq. When the authorities are ready, they will move the financial system and pass the laws to encourage foreign investment. This has nothing to do with the value of the currency. The value of the currency will be determined by the success/growth of the economy and the pressure created on the financial system as a result of significant investment…nothing is arbitrary or random in monetary policy.

8-27-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 … Iran influence in the government, in the banking structure, in their streets – is the only reason why we don’t have the new currency rate…the mess is Iran . That’s all there is to it. They are the parasite and how do you get rid of them? …all the arresting. All the court appearances. Everything that they’ve done and now there’s just one final thing left to do…dissolve…to me that is the next step that is what has been given to Kazemi…get rid of the final remaining Iranian influence…

8-27-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Are we going to be able to buy currency in the second or third basket…] I am told it all goes into the first basket but a number of currencies will be allowed to free float over time …..So I am planning on investing after the first basket…

8-27-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am told to expect details on the rollout of the lower denominations sometime in October with the rollout in late November thru December. If this does not happen it will be delayed further. This news tells me that they plan to complete the project to delete the zeros late this year, but will not move to the global markets on FOREX with the currency until very early next year 2021. They are still currently under OFAC sanctions. My contact sees things maybe changing as a result of Al-Kazemi’s visit to the US this week.

8-27-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Articles: “The Ministry of Interior launches a service on citizens’ phones to facilitate transactions”; “Iraqi Finance confirms to proceed with a plan to automate customs transactions and procedures”
I know Iraq may seem slow and dated and waiting for them to do something with their currency can be frustrating for us. At the same time, it’s important to understand that Iraq is not full of dummies. They are approaching new territory, with a very clean slate, and they can utilize new technology to accomplish something that would have been very difficult before today’s technology existed.

8-27-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is a difference from what the intel boards are saying then what the bankers, banking centers and attorneys are saying…very different…I assume there is dis-information being sown out there on purpose on the boards because the people actually involved in the reset are not hearing those same things. Bankers say there is a set schedule and it’s moving forward. It all sounds good and they keep reassuring me things are moving…they are happier now then I’ve seen them in this process. We should all hang tight and stay calm. I have always said this is a “when” not an “if”…

8-27-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 A sovereign country does not exist unless it has a sovereign currency. It’s that simple. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. If you have a sanctioned currency you’re not sovereign. It doesn’t take a phi beta kappa to understand that. We told you the key word was “sovereign”. All of a sudden two days later you see it everywhere coming out of Kazemi, from Pence, Trump. Everybody’s saying the same word that we gave you as a key word…

8-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I don’t have any faith in 800#s nor these so-called redemption centers…one person posted a so called 800# and I called it. It went to a pizza place…Here’s my opinion…people will go and do anything if they could scam people. What I think these redemption centers are…they’ll promise you a specific rate or say they can exchange it for you or say they’re the only licensed people to exchange on your behalf. They’re gonna lie. That’s just my opinion. Then all of a sudden you get your dinar over to them and then they redeem it for the proper rate and take their cut of the pie. That’s what I think these are…I’m saying I think they’re bullshit…what I’m saying is please be careful…talk to your local banks. You don’t have to tell them you have Iraqi dinar, just simply ask them, ‘Hey if I want to come in and exchange my currency how does this work? Do I just come straight to you?’ And they’ll tell you yes you do or no you don’t. Maybe they’ll want you to call an 800# but let the banks tell you that…go find out for yourself…this way you’ll already know in advance…