Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-27-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-27-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-27-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Kazemi’s advisor reveals the goals of his visit to Kuwait: Attracting investment in the foreground” The international world pours into Iraq because of a sanctioned program rate for their currency…NOT!!! They know what you do not know…two years ago they did not pour in. Last year they did not pour in. This year you can’t stop them… The Financial system = The economic prosperity!

8-27-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Globally…didn’t the cbi just show us a 33 page announcement? “The second strategic plan…” It has all items in place to go to a market economy…we are game on and about game over!…We are days into the RI, imo…

8-27-2021 Intel Guru Holly …I have consistently said we are waiting for an event to trigger this Rv. We are waiting for the release at our level now. This can happen at any moment for the release and the event. All is imminent and we are in the now moment.

8-26-21 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “With all the turmoil this past week, the US pulling out of Afghanistan and now the Taliban is in charge…How does this impact Iraq coming into the international market and potential revaluation of the Iraqi currency?” If Iraq stays in the favor of the United States and favors its markets, it’s going to be fine. Even with a little turmoil coming from Iran because they’re in Iraq already. It’s not the type of threat people think it is for Iraq or the currency.

8-26-2021 Guest Guru Desert Advisor I heard about the ATMS a while ago. This isn’t breaking news. However over the past week there’s been gurus and military intel…I focus on things that we could see and touch…I need hard facts. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that these new ATMs are related to the reinstatement or have the new notes and the old notes. I haven’t seen anything of that nature. But I’m going to show you what I found. Article quote: ‘International Development Bank, where a contract was made to purchase and support more than 300 advanced ATMs…’ So they’re getting new ATMs. Make what you want about that…

8-26-2021 Intel Guru Holly Thursday Rv News: If you remember one thing on this journey, this is event driven not date driven. Dates are targets when they want this to happen, but if the event has not happened then it moves out further. All is ready for the go and we wait until the green light at our level is given. There is more and people being quiet which is a very good sign…The end is near…

8-26-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Guru Frank26] The specimens/samples of the new small category notes were sent to the international banks and they received them in sheet forms or book forms but now the specimens/samples are being sent to the CBI banks to practice with and prepare to use them as an example to the citizens…

8-26-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy the less dinars you get for your U.S. dollar that’s better for us. That means the dinar is strengthening. It strengthens all the way to the point where you get more U.S. dollars for your dinar. That’s what you want to see start happening. That’s the direction we want to go into. You don’t want them to devalue the dinar. You want them to increase the value.

8-26-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Governor of the Central Bank confirms the provision of the necessary infrastructure to advance the reality of financial inclusion” What does inclusion mean? To be part of. What does financial mean? Their monetary reform. What does reality mean? The exchange rate that will be able to do the economic reforms. This article is so powerful. IMO they’re telling you the reality of monetary reform is being included in our economic reform, in our budgets, in everything that we’re doing in the country…it’s all there.

8-26-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Yes…the countdown has begun imo…The international party in Baghdad is on the 28th? Lots of interesting things at bay! … So why are they all coming? Kings, Magistrates, Prime Ministers, Central Bank Governors…not their representatives…them! Why? You all know!… We are not calling that specific day. No dates…but close before or after this meeting has key logic to it!…